Chapter 4

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      Daitan packed a bag with apples, her dagger, and a few bags of the rice she and Fudo had grown over the years. She pulled on the old samurai's battle attire and helmet. The night before, as to not give herself away, she had cut her hair to look more masculine. After walking through the samurai's home for the last time, Daitan made her way to the lake, where she evaluated herself to be sure the ruse would work. She did, in fact, look like a man. The padded suit made it so that one couldn't tell she had a chest or breasts at all, and her now short hair was tucked away under the helmet. She was ready. She noticed the reflection in the lake began to grow, as Fudo emerged from behind her.

"You are ready." he confirmed, handing her a scroll. "Safe travels, brave one."

Daitan nodded, and marched south of the lake, towards the Tokkadio road. She had reached the boundary much quicker than she had when she was eight. A line of people waiting to cross the bridge did not surprise her at all. It was the time of year where merchants from all around the world would cross the bridge to sell their merchandise during the tea festival; the most profitable time of year for most of them. As she grew closer toward the front of the line, she noticed how the guards in charge of citizen checks treated the women in line. One woman in particular caught Daitan's attention. She was a short, visibly pregnant woman begging the guards to let her through. From what Daitan could gather, one of her children had been taken across the bridge by her husband, and they haven't returned in over three days. Daitan's heart broke for the women, but she was on a mission, and could not break character. After watching the woman be physically pushed by one of the guards, it was her turn next in line. She handed the guard the scroll given to her by Fudo; a fake letter declaring that she had to cross the bridge immediately for official government affairs. The guard took the scroll, and looked Daitan up and down, as if he were seeing through her. After a minute, the guard handed back the scroll, and stepped aside. A wave of relief washed over Daitan as she walked past him. She began her journey across the bridge. The wooden bridge was plagued with consumers and merchants. Children ran around their mothers and fathers, humming songs of glee. Many of them held some form of doll, or stick as a toy. Daitan remembered a time when her father took her across the bridge for the first time. She quickly shook the memories out of her head. 'I'm on a mission.', she would tell herself. It would take at least six hours total to cross the bridge, and according to the sun, it was already mid-day. Daitan hoped that she would not have to camp out for the night, for that was more dangerous than being caught escaping. On her long march down the bridge, she met many interesting merchants and consumers. One merchant even offered her a free bag of tea if she promised to tell her friends about how delicious it was. Daitan politely except, yet, she had no friends. But she vowed to change that after her vengeance was complete. By the time Daitan had reached the end of the bridge, the sun had already set into it's evening slumber. She decided to settle down in the woods to catch some rest; at least there, she could hide from potential threats. After all, wood dwelling animals were more afraid of people than people were of them. Or, at least that's what her father had told her. She ventured halfway through the woods, setting up a small bed of leaves as a cushion.

"At least it's softer than the floor", she reminded herself, taking off her helmet, and before she knew it she was off to bed.

"Nē mite!", were the words Daitan awoke to. She quickly tried to pull on her helmet, but the damage had already been done. "Is that a woman!" the same voice yelled. She ran. She wasn't even aware of her legs burning from exhaustion, or the speed she was going, but she continued to run as low hanging branches slapped into her face, until she saw it. Her destination. Her whole reason for existing for the last ten years. The Yotta Azarashi Pub. She smiled, and began stalking towards the pub. SNAP! she heard. Someone was coming for her. She hid behind the trunk of a large tree, waiting to see who her opponent would be. Quickly, a young, scrawny guard emerged from the brush. He looked nervous, like he was new, or lost.

"I know you're out there..." he whispered. "Listen I'm not here to-", however he was cut off from a branch catching his leg, throwing him off balance.

Daitan quickly threw the branch down, pinned the guard down, and put her dagger to his throat. "I will not be stopped, you have no idea what I've been through." she growled.

The guard gulped. "I-I want to help you...not hurt you..." he pleaded. "I came alone, I'm new...they sent me...thought I was...weakest link..." he tried to convince between breaths.

Daitan pressed the blade firmly into his neck. "And why would you want to help me?" she asked.

"Saw you...running...thought it must be important..."

"Fine. But why would you think I wanted your help?"


Daitan thought for a moment. If he was really interested in helping her, she should use him to her advantage. "Fine," she pulled the blade back from his throat, securing it back into her bag, "but you follow my lead." she commanded. She released the guard from her hold.

"Isao," he said getting to his feet and rubbing his neck. "My name is Isao."

"Daitan.", she responded bleakly. She began walking toward the pub, quickly scanning the surrounding area to be sure she wasn't being watched. Isao followed closely behind her. 

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