We made it to the spot where we first start out to hunt i smelled the deer before i got there and when we did i tool off and tackled him my dad asked what i was doing then he saw the deer. "im proud of you... you really learn fast and i didnt do any thing its like you no what to expect!" *Well i hear lupus talk to me. He tells me what to expect what to do and what not to do he said tonight he would tell me why im like this.* "yea i no dad can we go home now and eat im hungery agian?" my dad and i leave the grounds he tells my mom why it was so fast "well Wolfie tomorrow we will start the adult work to srr how you do." * Finally no more pup stuff i no im still a pup but im almost bigger than my dad and now im 4 weeks old not even a year and i learn so fast im smarter than my mom and lupus said i have to be smarter than normal wolve?* "im going to bed im tired from the hunt" i went to my pelt area and then i heart lupus " Wolfie you are this way because you will be the young Chief of wolves like you tomorrow when the cheif cast you out " *why am i going to be the chief why do i lear n so fast ? why this young?* " because you are different than them but still the same" * so im smarter than my kind just so i can help them survie when i go there?* " yes you will guid them to health you will be the first young chief." * so cheif was right i will end up my own Chief * " YES NOW REST " i went to bed that night nowing that i would be a Chief in hours. I wake from my dad calling my name" Wolfie Wolfie up CHief ordered a meeting for us " i get up and we head to the Cheif. When we get there " Wolfie io have monitered ..." before he finish i said " I no i could smell your guards and lupus tolled me i will become a Chief today of my own pack and i will help them gain health agian i will be the first ever young Chief." the chief suprised " Well you no you have to leave now right?" " yes goodbye mom and dad bye Chief i will see you some time other." i walked away to meet the guard of my new pack that yet did not have a name yet "welcome to your pack Cheif wolfie" " thank oy ui think i will call this pack................... The Fire Pack." they put a pelt robe on me to resemble me as Chief. "chief we need food our noses cant pick up food?" " well good for you i have a really good nose lets hunt follow me" we went to hunt in our hunting grounds then i instally smelled a malle moose we cuaght it off guared and he went down quick they ate good that night. " I am calling a meeting for the adults i am looking for a mate to help me i will compete aginst all males with out mates and the yhave to be gren white and black." thats when i saw a perfact male exatcly how i pictured him no mate " hey yo uin the back whats your name?" he looked at me with big green eyes wow." me?" he said real quiet "yes " i demanded. " my name is Rex" now he said loud and strong with his deep voice. " i would compete with you would you accept?" " yes i would i am in nedd of a female." *well wont he be good* " we start before dark if i find more than yo uthen your my mate if yo ufind more you chose the healthest and smarteds and even beautiful female got it " " yes". befroe dark we met at teh edlge of the caven and the start of our hunting grounds. "go" i yelled we ran i smelled so many animals but i just went after small game for the pups and he went after big game for adults. "stop" yelled a guard t iming us. "6....8........12.......14 animal for the Chief and for the pups dig in" "4.......9......10.......15..........20 ..........30 Rex wins now all females with no mate stand forward and teh cheif ..... now Rex choose." He went back and forthe 3 times and then he stopoed at me i like how you look and how you think about the younger of our kind to keep the pack going i choose you." i had a smile and just wanted to say that he was right and he just won cause i let him. That night i had someone to keep me warm not just thin pelts and the frezzing air yo ugot. My parents never kept me warm they wouldnt let me get near the fire so the ydidnt trigger the bad lucki... Now that i think about it i might ambush the pack have them become mine and now since ever adult is really srong about as strong as me we will win " Fire pack we will ambush teh Summer pack tomorrow and the young pups and females will stay back..... Rex and i will lead there." we all slept untill early the sun had not rose yet. " wake up soldiers" we headed towards the summer pack. " okay this side wu\ill go to the left and the othe to the right and the rest will go with me to the front and the other s with Rex to the back so they have no way to get out." The plan proceded and i toke the cheif on " so you thought your were going to get rid of me huh?" " yes and now when i win your parents will be dead" i stop and then " i dont care you stoped them from loving me parenting me I HATE YOU." "good " it took a few times but i won hes not dead but now he is now a lower ranking wolf and will never go up he will just chew on bones. " i told you i was going to win and now you are the lower ranking wolf and never go up after what you did to me what do you think of that now." he sinks to his stomach and puts his nose to the dirt eyes at the ground. " i thought so" i walked to my parents alot taller than my father now " well father you that i wasnt coming back well i did only becuase now that i own this pack you wil not kick another pup like me out from my colors you are now mine i own you this is not the summer pack but now the fire pack got it!" My parents nod and then walk to there den. Im only 7 weeks old and i am growing to be as tall as the other in my pack that attacked here my mate is Rex and we are about to have pups so yea every thing is going smoothly after i was born well at least for me. " Wolfie" said my father"We must speak of this behaiver?" i stare at him with a death glare his eyes go to the dirt on his stomach"You will call me Chief and nothing more and you will not get your name until after the pack test thats is for your name and you ranking the lowest will not go becuase they can not get higher than that till after every one else took the test and ran the old chief will never take that test!" he waits to be told to leave my den. My rules are to never to be broken if that happens you will be sent to lower than the lowest ranking that were you chew on bones sleep on stone no warm fire to keep you warm and you will only get to eat whats left of the animal we eat and if i let you hunt it will only be small game. "Cheif we have a problem the winter pack has stiked a threat of defeat should we prepare?" i wiat to awenser " Yes get the strongest and medium strongest wolves train them so when it happens it will be us to win!"the guard nods then leaves and howls for the wolves. I im proud of the pack growth.
To Be Cuntunied.........................
ActionThis is the new update of Wolfie have fun you guys more info will be comin figure out the mistry!!!!!!