The first date

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It all started about 3 days ago when I moved to my new college (Unsaki Chan's Community college) in Van Buren when I met him. For some back story, I'm a tall white male that is fresh out of High school and LOVES Taco Bell and naruto. My Love of anime inspires me to be an animator when I'm older, but they're must crude drawings of Older Vietnamese men (I have a fetish). From there a little college research and interest brought me to where I am now. I can smell the fresh scent of Musty Pre- Adults in the air, but that doesn't phase me as I walk through the college doors. As i walk in the principle greets me with a paper that tells me my next classes. As I look down I read, "First period: Math, Room 192" on my way to the room I pass some cute boys, but as soon as I enter I see the most beautiful thing to a humans naked eye. My teacher, a 500 pound man that was eating a meatball sub, was the epitome of Jared Fogle. Knowing I'm wayyyyy out of his league I lose my hopes and take a seat by a blonde haired boy. While organizing my backpack onto the table we made long eye contact but was shorty dismissed after the teacher started roll call. That was when I knew I met the love of my life. I'll spare you the details of the day, so all you need to know is he was in a couple of classes and I had another teacher that oddly looked like a cross between Morgan freeman and Betty white. As school ends I start walking to my dome outside, the old smell of pre adult had now faded into a summer day coated in maple syrup smell. While walking I think about the boy I saw in math class and how HOT he was. As I reach the door eager to meet my new dorm mate I have a uneasy feeling in my stomach. As I open the door low and behold it is the bot with blonde hair. He's sitting down listening to what seems to be depressing music song by a white male. He looks at me and says "Hey I'm jack." I Instantly fall in love. I sit next to him and we start bonding over similarities. We get to know each other and then the night ends. School feels the same as yesterday. I get home repeat the day (except I collected senpai jacks ramen soaked underwear) and went to sleep. We start bonding more until I fatefully one day ask him out. He accepts and we then wait for the day. As the days pass I feel more sick than Madison when she eats burnt nachos. Then the day finally comes. He shows up with a black tuxedo and roses when I walk in. He already had my favorite dinner cooked, Goat toes so we start to dig in. When we finish our goat toes and then start flirting while watching sharknado 3D. Half way through the move we just can't hold it in and we take it to his room (I have never been in that room for he had never told me but it was in the moment). As we enter I find the horrifying truth, he's a furry. He gets dressed in his bear fur suit and we start kissing. Since I don't want to get too close to him I told him the farthest we would go is spooning. We then proceeded to spoon aggressively while listening to Kanye west "Bound 2." This is where the story ends my friends, or until next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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