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-S*lf h*rm
Do not read if these things will trigger you.

Mammon was without a doubt the light of my life, he made me smile and laugh. We danced under the moonlight together and spent hours that felt like minutes together. I was completely head over heels in love with him, and he loved me too.
I knew that he had struggled with his own self worth because of how his brother's treated him but, I never thought it had gotten too bad.
That was until I found him.

"Mammoooonnnn, c'mon are you ready yet?" I called out to him from outside his door, he had been getting ready for an hour now and hasn't responded to any of my messages, as I leaned into his door to see if I could hear anything, I suddenly smelt something. I threw open the door and ran inside, and to my horror I saw Mammom, sprawled across the floor, cuts all down his body, blood pouring from them all, his clothes were stained in red and it clogged his hair. A knife was sitting right next to his left hand, it was jaggered and bloodied, dried blood mixed with wet sat apon the blade creating its own puddle.

"MAMMON- MAMMON NO PLEASE MAMMON NO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I ran across to him grabbing at his bloodied arm.
I hear footsteps running in as waterfalls fell from my eyes.
"M-mammon..." It was Lucifer, he stood at the door in shock. I turned to look at him, he stumbled over to me, kneeling next to me and putting his hand on my back.
"Mammon..." He sobbed.

A week later, the funeral.
"Here we stand to mourn the passing of Mammon, Avatar of greed, one of the seven rulers of hell. Today his brothers and fiancèe will speak. I welcome Lucifer, Avatar of Pride to to give his words."
After each of the brothers spoke about how they each wished they had been able to express their love for him, to tell him how much he meant to them, it was finally my turn to speak. I stood in front of everyone, my voice shaking as I spoke.
"Mammon, from the day I met you." Tears began to stream down my face but I continued. "You were a ball of joy, the light of my life, and now you're gone." I stopped to breathe as I choked on tears. "You made me the happiest person on earth just be being there and existing, if I was sad or had a bad day you'd hold me in your arms and whisper to me that It'd be okay and that one bad day wasn't the end of the world. But I-i guess I failed to see all your bad days, I failed to be there for you, I failed you. I couldn't protect the person I vowed to love for the rest of my life. I couldn't protect you." I sobbed infront of everyone as Levi walked up and brought me back down to my seat. He told me it wasn't my fault and we all didn't notice. But it still stuck with me that I could have helped it, I could have helped him but I didn't even know he was hurting.
I failed the love of my life and now he's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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