Was That Okay?

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Love was never Akaashi Keiji's priority. He was always quiet, studious, observant, and most of all, focused. Love is an infamously large distraction, from most things. So when he began to feel the sickeningly distracting symptoms of love, he tried everything to ignore them. It wasn't that he was ashamed of his love, in fact, he thought he found a pretty good one. He was just afraid. Love had always seemed like something you save for later, when you're done with college and your career is in place. Then you can love without worry of distraction. Akaashi was in no way prepared for his cliche high school romance that quite literally swept him off his feet.

"AKAASHIIII!!!!" The younger boy flinched as he felt the older boy's large arms tackle his side. Bokuto Kotarou. "I MISSED YOU!" Bokuto buried his face in Akaashi's chest and hugged him so tight his feet lifted off the ground. Akaashi's eyes darted around, embarrassed to find most of the hallway's attention on them.

"Bokuto-san. You're doing it again." He whispered.

"Oh! I'm sorry Akaashi!!" Bokuto's eyebrows crinkled into a concerned pout and he promptly dropped Akaashi, his concern immediately dissolving into a goofy grin. Akaashi's lips quirked up into a small smile. As irritatingly loud as his upperclassman could be, his optimism and unbridled joy was infectious. "I just missed you!"

Akaashi smiled and mumbled in agreement, trying to ignore the stupid flutter in his heart when he heard those words. Bokuto had only been gone for a week at his grandparents' house, but he was acting like he had just come back from war. And Akaashi silently cursed himself for missing him as much as he did. He was the reasonable one, and it really had only been 6 days. It wasn't some dramatic, heartfelt reunion, he reminded himself. He fiddled with his bag nervously, trying desperately to ignore the growing anxiety in his stomach whenever Bokuto was near.

"Come on! Let's go get pork buns!" Akaashi huffed as his friend sharply yanked his arm, dragging him down the hallway. Akaashi looked at the floor. His feet shuffled quietly along, and he could hear Bokuto ranting excitedly, but his head was turned just out of earshot. Akaashi didn't bother asking him to speak up, he was used to this. Who knows how Bokuto might react if he told him he didn't hear a thing he just said. He would probably wilt dejectedly with his characteristic pout before starting his tangent over with a bouncy grin. Akaashi smiled to himself, content to let Bokuto drag him out of the building, until they were practically running off school grounds.

"Bokuto-san wait! I didn't think you meant right now!" He called out. Bokuto turned around, his hand still firmly grasped around Akaashi's wrist.

"But I've already waited a week to get pork buns with you again! I didn't really feel like waiting until lunch." Bokuto replied happily. His smile was so genuine and innocent, it was easy to forget they were breaking school rules and ditching. Akaashi sighed, his sigh laced with disapproval, but he didn't protest as Bokuto pulled him through the entrance gate and onto the sidewalk.

They were plodding along the street, and triggered by a simple "How was your grandparents' house?" from Akaashi, Bokuto had launched into an excruciatingly well detailed description of his week, down to his outfit every day and how his afternoon snacks made him feel. Akaashi listened patiently, his steady turquoise eyes watching Bokuto. Akaashi had always prided himself in his control and focus. And he hated how that control began to slip around Bokuto. As he watched Bokuto talk happily, his eyes scanned over the older boy's face, studying his features. He loved how his golden eyes glimmered when he talked about something exciting. He observed, with a note of surprise, that the older boy's eyelashes were also silver, contrasting his deep amber eyes. He winced internally, embarrassed by his own thoughts. But it was always the little things. The way his eyebrows furrowed when he got serious, which wasn't often. The stubborn wisps of hair that would fall into his face during a difficult practice, the small bumps and callouses that Akaashi hated on his own hands but loved on Bokuto's; he was helplessly in love. Akaashi Keiji was in love. He sighed frustratedly, causing Bokuto to turn his head, concerned.

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