Little Fire

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Author's Note:
I would like to just empathize that the character Aidan, does not have a specific gender or appearance. Their appearance and gender is completely open to interpretation. They can be whatever the reader wants them to be and look however they imagine. You may find it interesting to even imagine Aidan as yourself or someone you know. Thanks For Reading

Legends and fairy tales scattered through time. Passed down from generation to generation, it's hard to discern which ones are truth, and which ones are lie. The world is covered in a vast darkness that never seems to end. Within the boundless shadows exists a small light, a little fire so to say. Their name is Aidan.

Aidan has wandered the world alone. They are the last known being on this physical world. Aidan is tasked with a heavy burden which will demand the very up most of their physical and mental capabilities. Even if they don't know it yet.

While Aidan is the last being on the physical world, they are not entirely alone. Outside the limitations of the physical world, exists another extraterrestrial plane. This is where the being known as Rhutt exists. Rhutt is omniscient and omnipotent. They watch over Aidan.

"Come forth Rhutt. By your name I summon

The ominous gray clouds began to swirl as the earth trembled, underneath Aidan's feet. To anyone else these tremors would've been a bit much to handle, but Aidan stood their ground. The wind became fierce as it blew through Aidan's hair, but once again Aidan was unfazed. The swirling clouds began to gather into one massive cloud.

"Aidan, Why Have You Summoned Us?" A thunderous collection of voices both male and female said from beyond the sky.

"You know why."

"Aidan, Time And Time Again You Have Summoned Us And Time And Time Again We Have Answered You The Same. What Makes You Think This Attempt Will Be Different?"

"And how many times have you told me, that my patience would be rewarded? Huh Rhutt? How many times have I tried to do what you've asked and have nothing come of it? A broken promise is as good as a lie."

"Aidan Please Understand That There Is A Reason For The Task You Have Been Given And In Due Time You will Realize The Fruits Of Your Labor."

"But I don't understand. That's the problem. I don't understand anything. You tell me to rebuild, but what do I have to rebuild? Why is this world so dark? Why can't I control the light that comes from my eyes? Where did I come from? Why do I exist? Why am I the only one here? Why can't I remember anything? Please I want to know. All I've ever wanted was to know."

Aidan's eyes began to glow as they filled with tears. They fell to their knees and began pounding the ground.

"Why can't you answer me Rhutt!"
A long silence fell over the atmosphere.

"Just Because Your Questions Don't Have Answers Now, Doesn't Mean Those Answers Don't Exist. We Know Your Strife Young One. You Bear The Weight Of Responsibility On You More Heavy Than You Could Ever Know."

"I never asked for any of this" Aidan said with a choked up voice

"And Neither Did We. However That Doesn't Change What Needs To Be Done. Your Kind Has Done A Massive Transgression On This World And It Must Be Repaired. Please Know Child, That The Reason We Keep Things From You Is Not Because We Have Reasons To Distrust You, But Because Our Reasoning's Are Backed By Experience."

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