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It was late evening in Sydney, Australia, and quite honestly, still hot enough to cook eggs on the sidewalk. That's what Alaska thought, ha. ha.

"Come on!" whined Abby, Alaska's roommate, who was a bit too eager to go to the bar. Again.

"Fine," Alaska responded, sighing in a dramatic and loud manner, so that Abby would not miss it, "Just let me get dressed."

Slowly, Alaska got up from the couch and made her way out of the living room, down the hall, and into her room to get ready to go to the bar. Needless to say; again.


Calum was staring intensely at Michael, making him extremely uncomfortable and out of place. He cleared his throat loudly and looked at Calum.

"What?" Michael grunted, putting down his phone, "Why are you staring at me?"

Calum flashed him a half smirk, shaking his head, "You haven't gotten a girl yet, Mikey."

Michael rolled his eyes, of course. "Purposely--"

But before Michael could finish Calum--gladly--cut him off.

"We're going to the bar, right now." Calum said in a serious manner. Michael knew he couldn't argue with him.

" 'Right, then. Let me get ready first." Michael said, getting up reluctantly and stomping to his room tiredly. Great, he thought, just great.


Later, everyone arrived at the bar. It was full, what else do you expect on a Friday night?

As Alaska stumbled in the door, she realized that another person was trying to get in at the same time. Shit.

She quickly stopped in her tracks as she got pushed into the door frame. Ouch. Do people even look where they are going?

"Could you watch ou--" she started, but as she turned around to face a pair of green eyes, her heart fluttered.

"Sorry," Michael mumbled, chewing on his lip, "I need to watch out where I'm going."

Normally, Alaska would gladly agree, but the words were stuck in her mouth. Great. Speechless over a stranger.

"Uh-" she said, but stopped when her name was called.


She stumbled away from the stranger with strange hair but oddly, quite attractive. She spotted Abby sitting by the bar and hurried to sit by her.

As Michael watched the girl walk away, he was stunned by her. And he didn't even know her name. Good going, Michael, he thought.


A half an hour passed by, Michael and Alaska had stolen a few glances at each other, but that's all. And of course, Calum was teasing him for it.

Alaska watched the stranger and his friend, wondering why he looked so familiar. Why the sound of his voice sounded like something she had heard before.

After being teased by Calum, he gained up the courage to go talk to her. Deep breaths, he thought, deep breaths.

"Hi," he said, sliding into the seat beside the girl.

Stumbled, she looked at him, and forced a nervous smile, "Hi." She said quietly.

Think quick, he must think quick. Think, think, think...

"Im Michael. Uh, do you know what fanfiction or smut is?" Michael asked the girl nervously, almost ashamed of his lack of flirting abilities.

Alaska raised her brow, an amused smile on her face. Of course she knew what it was, Abby talked about it all the time, but she found it an amusing idea to see what would happen if she said no, so she said,

"Alaska. And no, can't say I do."

Michael, surprised and even more nervous, glanced around. He spotted Calum talking to the girl he'd seen Alaska with earlier. He frowned to himself, just another name on a list. That's all she'll be.

"Would you like to come over to my place sometime to maybe find out?" Michael blurted out.

Alaska gave him a funny look, "you're asking a girl you barley know over to find out what smut and fanfiction is?" She asked, head tilted.

He suddenly found courage, grinning extremely widely, "Definitely."


Sorry that this is so long and sucky and uh, yeah. I hope you like it, x.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2016 ⏰

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