Jack angrily shoved past the busy crowd trying to get away from the fellow douchebag he called a friend. When he finally got through the crowd, he sat on the curb and silently started sobbing, life had been hard lately, his mom died, his girlfriend cheated on him, and Jack was treating him like shit. He jumped when he heard the soft patter of tiny foot steps. He saw a girl tentatively heading towards him, he saw she had mascara running down her cheeks, implying she had been crying. She sat next to him in huff and said "I feel you Blondie" while she broke into heart wrenching sobs. Jack slowly took her into his arms, rubbing her arms in soothing circles as he let her cry on his chest. Her sobs soon turned to sniffles and her breathing grew even. He looked at her tear streaked face, wild wispy hair, and chapped lips and saw an angel. He slowly lifted her up, and walked her to his hotel. He set her down on his bed kissing her forehead softly and slept on the couch. He had finally found something that made the grim darkness go away, she was slowly healing him.
Hope you enjoyed!