Chapter 1: The Return Of Y/N

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I just got off the train I see a sign at the train station the has " Welcome To Magnolia"
I heard rumor that the guild is in trouble with Twighlight Ogre. Since I got done with my training a year ago I'm gonna help the guild.
Master wrote to me every week until 7 years ago I haven't gotten a letter from him since.
He told me about I've missed all of the stuff that has happened. Like how we have two new dragons slayers, a water mage and a celestial wizard. I also heard rumor that some of guild members went missing on tenru island, they have been missing for 7 years.

I start walking out of the train station into town, with my exceed Celestia. I've found her 3 years ago and she was 2 when I found her, so now she's about 5. We are like partners we get along well, when I found her I took her in and gave her a place to live and food. Over time a friendship began and we've been best friends ever  since.
I sigh and look at the new Fairy Tail guild building, I raise a brow in confusion because it looks like a windmill and a farm?
What the hell happened while I was gone.
I hear no noise from inside the guild, weird it's never quiet well except when Natsu and Gray aren't here.
I shrug my shoulders and open the guild doors.
No one seems to notice me, I don't see Gray, Erza or Natsu and a some others.

I walk to the counter and see a girl with long white hair. I say "Hi um can I please speak to master please?"
She gives me a smile and says "Flow me he's in his office."
She leads me to a door and she knocks on it and hears a "Come in!"
She says "If you need me I'll be at the counter."
I nod my head and say "Thanks."
I open the door to see a older version of Master.
I say "Master Mokarov?"
He looks at me and says "Yes, that me now who may I ask are you?"
I smile and say "It's me Y/N L/N and this is my exceed Celestia."
Celestia lands on my shoulder and shyly says "Pleasure to meet you sir."

Master looks at me shocked and tears running down his eyes. He then jumps from the other side of his desk and brings my into a hug. I hug him back I hear him sobbing. I smile and say "Master it's alright."
He lets go of the hug and says "I can't believe it's really you. How did your mission go?"
I smile brightly and say "It went well I got done three years ago. But I wanted to train to unlock my pull power which I finally achieved. So I stayed and help the village rebuild and grow crops."
He says "That's good to hear and look at you you've grown like a weed no one will recognize you."
I smile and say "It's fine I'll be myseterious then like mystogen."
Gramps laughs, after him laughing he says " Why don't we get Celestia a emblem if she wants that is."
I look at Celestia and she shyly says "Yes please sir."

I forgot she gets nervous when meeting new people.
We leave the room and head to the counter and master call Mira I wonder what she looks like now. Then the girl from before arrives and I say "Is that Mirajane?"
Master chuckles and says "Yes she grown as well."
She definitely has changed I remember she was badass and wouldn't take no as a answer.
I swear drop and say "Alright then. Oh master I forgot I want a new mark I don't want it on my hand anymore. I would like it on my right shoulder please."
Master says "Alrught Mira we have a new member joining and we have a member that wants a new mark."
She smiles and says "Ok who's the new one?"
Celestia flys to the counter in front of Mira and says "Um that would be me miss."
Mira squeals and says "Aww how cute!!"

I cover my ears Mira squealed so high pitch I can't hear for a few seconds.
She gives Celestia her mark on her right shoulder she wants to match me I think it's sweet. She got it in a galaxy color.
Mira then said "So you must be the member that wants a new mark?"
I nod my head she says "Have I seen you before?"
I smile and say "Mira it's me Y/n L/n."
She has tears fill her eyes and go down her cheeks.
I pull her into a hug she clings to me, Mira and Erza were my best friends before I left. Whenever they would get in a fight or argue I would get them to get along with each other. Mira sobs into my shoulder I rub her back and say "It's alright Mira I'm back, I'm fine."

She pulls away and says "You took forever me and Erza thought the worst."
I sweat drop and say "Uh well I took longer because I got into some complications. But at least I got the mission down and helped the village rebuild and grow crops. I also trained some more and completed all of my training."
She says "You must be really powerful now."
I smile and nod my head, I say "Wait where is everyone?"
Mira says "Oh well we are competing in the (GMG) Grand Magic Games. A lot of people left to go and train because they are gonna be on a team representing Fairy Tail."
I say "Cool can I join?"
She smiles and says "You should ask master he's in charge."
I nod my head and say "Celest stay here, I'll be right back. Oh also Mira can you not tell anyone I'm here yet I want to surprise them."
Mira smiles and says "Sure thing."

With that I find master in his office and I open the door and say "Master I would like to join a team for Fairy Tail."
He smiles and says "I was hoping you would want to join. Well any how you'll join Team B. We already have Mira,Laxus, Juvia and now you also we have Cana as reserved."
I say "Thank you wait isn't that too many people?"
He shakes his head and says "It's fine I'll handle it. Also don't tell anyone about Team B it's a surprise."
I smile and say "Speaking of surprises I don't want you to tell anyone that I'm back aside from Team B that is."

He nods his head in understanding.
I say "Well I'm gonna go home I'm exhausted. Goodnight master."
I leave his office and go to Mira and get both me and Celest new guild marks.

"I leave his office and go to Mira and get both me and Celest new guild marks

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Celest got hers on her back I got mine on right shoulder.
After saying thank you to Mira both me and Celest leave and we say goodbye to Mira, then make my way home.

————————Author Note——————
Hope you like this chapter I wanted to do a fairy tail story for a long time.
Word Count: 1,227
Next chapter will be released later this week.

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