Chapter 1

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You joined the BAU about 6 weeks ago and ever since then you have felt like you are apart of a family, but Agent Hotchner has yet to warm up to you.
"Hey guy!" y/n says before sitting down at her desk.
"Hey y/n how is my girl genius doing today?" Derek asks before taking his seat.
"Well seeing as I have all of this paper work to fill out I would say not good. How about you how is your day going you beautiful man?" Y/N asks before slightly glancing over her shoulder to see Agent Hotchner staring at the two of them through the window in his office.
"I am doing great. I had this fine little thang in my bedroom last night and well you know the rest of it." He chuckles as he winks at Y/N
Y/N turns to begin filling out her reports occasionally looking up to see Agent Hotchner still staring at her looking frustrated yet happy at the same time. It confuses her but she brushes it off and continues her work when she hears Penelope coming in.
"Hello my fine furry friends!" Penelope states
Everyone says hello almost in unison and with a smile on their faces.
Y/N loved Penelope but it was like a platonic love she loved how happy Penelope was all the time it made Y/N remember all the good in the world when she was on a difficult case.
Y/N finishes her reports in about an hour and walks them to Agent Hotchners desk.

"Come in

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"Come in." Agent Hotchner states in a fine voice.
"I finished my reports on the grace case." Y/N states nervous he might snap at any moment.
"Thank you leave them on my desk. What is going on with you and Agent Morgan?" Hotch states in a jealous and rough tone.
Y/N turns back around and laughs a little.
"You think me and Morgan are a thing, you just made my day sir. Me and Morgan are just friends he's like a brother to me. Gross." Y/N states while still laughing a little.
"Sorry sir I didn't mean to laugh or disrespect you in any way but no nothing is going on with me and Agent Morgan." Y/N states nearvously when she meets Hotch's gaze
"Good, now get back to work. And try to dial down with the flirting please." Hotch says before dismissing Y/N
Y/N walks back to her desk staring at Derek and when he sees he asks what happened.
"Shhh..." Y/N whispers before texting Derek
Morgan: what happened in there???
Y/N: he thought we were together and I laughed in his face
Morgan: ohh you are in for it girl he is looking straight at you right now
Y/N looks up from her desk to see Hotch and she knows he knows she is texting Morgan so he looks pissed. She puts her phone down and plays solitaire on her computer before JJ comes by and tells everyone that they have a case.
Y/N walks into the room and sits in between spencer and Emily to make sure she isn't near Derek and Hotch doesn't get the wrong idea.
Hotch walks in and eyes Y/N surprised she isn't with Morgan he states "Hmm... where's you boy toy         Y/N?"
Y/N now infuriated " he's not my boyfriend and I don't know where he is" she states in a rough tone
"Sure." Hotch states
Penelope senses the tension in the room and begins to discuss the case when Derek walks in and sits next to Hotch.
When Penelope finishes Hotch tells the team to be ready in 20 minutes
"Wheels up in 20" Hotch states before leaving the room
Y/N and Derek stay back a little a Y/N tells Derek what Hotch said and Derek tells her to leave it and for them to not flirt as publicly lifting her hand and kissing her knuckles
Little did they know Hotch seen and wasn't very happy.

They board the jet.

To be continued
Hi everyone thank you for reading and I will upload whenever I can.

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