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This first book is dedicated to all those who kept inspiring me to keep writing and inspired characters through out this series:

Mrs. Harley, Mrs. Short, Brittney Allen, Chris Hurley, Sylvia Yearwood, Tara Hurley, and so many more

As a SPECIAL Dedication I wan t to say thanks to Wanda Allen for pushing me to keep writing if it really is my passion in life and I have to say it is and THANK YOU SO MUCH you are like another mother to me and this one is for you.


September 29, 1955 - January 12, 2018


Hello my name is Schuyler Foxbain, and this is not an ordinary story you will find no chapters here, however you will find a whole world you've never known before. Everyone comes from somewhere, but some don't know where that somewhere is, But I CAN tell you. My name was not always Schuyler Foxbain you see I used to be called by the name Andrew Milestone.And this is a story of the adventure thirteen people have embarked on; Chronicaling each of us on our quest our feelings, hopes, dreams/love lives, pasts, futures, and sex lives as we travel through dimensions of epic proportions of mystery splendore, danger, corruption, death rebirth, destruction, through time and space, and magic thrilled missions. Our adventure started here as of late: "I was raised in the woods by a little old woman everyone called the hermit witch; which everyone feared more than anything else! Because of this no one ever ventured into her woods for fear that she would devour their souls for all eternity. One day while the lonely hermit witch found a small abandoned little baby boy, and took him in and named him Andrew. All my life as far as I could remember the old woman took care of me, and raised me as her own even though I was not. As long as I could remember every night she would tell me stories about the world when it was still young, and how all the beings of this planet worked together in harmony to keep the world a better place. That in this world there were thirteen kingdoms each with their own region, and castles made of solid black pearl, sapphire, gold and silver, and people of all walks of life both good and evil who worked together to keep the world in perfect balance. She told me one day that if I Dreaming hard enough and wished on the magic to return once again to our lost world of Helm long enough that I would see this beautiful world, and every night for as long as I could remember I would wake up screaming the same thing over and over. I would wake up in a cold sweat after screaming, "no no, not Adam."For fifteen years this woman raised me as her own, and she took care of me all my lifethat long, but things took a turn for the worst; Mother Matriarche got ill right after my thirteen birthday. she was by then ninty-eight years old, and slowly dying even with me trying to keep her head above deep waters; However she held on for two more years untill I turned fifteen the last day of school let out early and I rushed home on bike to be with her and do my daily tasks of helping her with her physical things since she was bed ridden, but I was too late. I didn't even get to say goodbye.And up until the day she finally passed away which was a day of sadness for me; However I didn't have time to greave propperly I hads so much to do I had to get her ready and make the grave casket finishes, and finally burry her. But in this heartache she left me several things. The first two things that she left behind in a letter she gave me and told me not to open until she had passed away and was burried to open, she left me her home in the middle of the woods and enough money to last me till graduation at eighteen. The second thing that she had left me was a very old book with no title, and a medium-sized box studded with jems and symbols of an old ancient language that was locked without a key. The last thing that she had left me was a letter that simply said this;

My dearest Andrew,

if you are reading this then either I have little or no time left, and I have something of great urgency to tell you. Something I should have told you a long time ago, but never really had the heart to tell you. The day I found you was the greatest day of my life and the most mysterious because the day I found you you came to me. I did find you in the woods but not the way that everyone believes for you see the day I found you you came to me through a mysterious light in the middle of our woods. That day I knew something was special about you something I had never seen anyone ever before. For you see I have gift, the gift to see what's deep inside someone's heart, and within you I saw the brightest light I have ever seen in any one. You see little one in you I see a great destiny ahead of you one of great importance and great destruction, but a destruction of something of great evil. As you grow in continue to move forward without me I hope you will remember that I taught you to be a kind gentle soul, and to treat people with great respect and great dignity. One day my wonderful little and you will find out who you really are and where you are really truly meant to be. Though I cannot be with you now I hope that you will keep me in your heart and fondest of memories. The book in the box that I left you came with you the day that I found you although I have no clue what they are or why they're so important to you. To me the book is blank and the lock of the box unbreakable but for you I believe they hold a great deal of secrets. I hope one day you will builder reach out to me when you find out your destiny and once more return to your home wherever it may be. Know that I love you with all my heart even though you are not mine you always were to me and that I will always be watching over you and may all your wildest dreams come true and they are heart soar with the rest of the world high above the clouds.

Elisium Chronicles Book 1 Bold New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now