~The Night of a Lifetime~

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Quiet and secluded. Away from civilization. Today was a more easier day for the Survey Corps. Most of the titans have been wiped out so the only thing left to do was train and plan out their next mission. Everyone was awake and out at work. Well, almost everyone. Matthew, one of the newer members was still fast asleep. It was almost 2pm and someone was not happy. The squad leader, the infamous Levi Ackerman, was storming up to Matt's room.

"How dare he sleep in, does he not realize how much work we have to accomplish..!" He threw open the door and ripped the covers away from Matt. He groaned and turned away trying to block out the scorching light coming from the window.

"WAKE UP CADET!!" Levi shouted. Matt shot up causing him to fall out of the bed. He sat up on his knees and looked up at Levi.

"Sorry sir..won't happen again." Matt yawned out. Levi was secretly enjoying this position. He liked looking down at him asserting his dominance. Levi stepped aside, but not without smacking Matt's head first.

"If I don't see you outside in ten minutes, they'll be more than just a smack on the head." And with that, he walked out of the room. Matt yawned once again and groggily went to get dressed into his uniform. After taking up almost the whole ten minutes he finally made it outside. Matt said hi to his friends and comrades as he walked over to where his work lay.

A couple hours later and everyone was hard at work. Levi took a break from his daily cleaning to check up on the others and to make sure they were actually doing their chores. As he walked around outside, he noticed that Matt was the only one not doing his chores. Levi tsked in annoyance. He already had to deal with him once today. He stormed over to Matt, an angry aura circling around him with every step.

"Why the hell are you the only one not doing anything?!" He grabbed a fistful of Matt's shirt and yanked him down to his level. He stared at him dead in the eye. If looks could kill, Matt was definitely dead. He could barely look back at him. Matt looked like a true submissive. He blushed, not being able to look back. Matt hated confrontation, especially with Levi. One thing he learned so far is to never underestimate short people. Especially if that person is Levi.

"S-sorry sir.." Matt looked down. Sorry wasn't enough for Levi. He shoved Matt onto the ground harshly. Matt tried to stand but got pushed down again. Levi stepped on his chest and pressed down hard.

"Am I going to have to knock some sense into you?" Matt looked like a tomato. He gulped not knowing how to get out of this heated situation. Matt was basically cowered down like a hurt puppy. Levi, on the other hand, was ready to beat the living shit out of him; and in more ways than one.

"Meet me in my office later today." He glared at Matt one last time before walking away. As soon as Levi was out of sight, Matt sighed in relief. However, there wasn't much to be relieved about. His anxiety grew as he began to stress about all the possibilities of what could go wrong. He shook his head and figured there's no worrying about it now. Matt stood up and brushed himself off before finishing up his tasks. He didn't want to get into any more trouble today.

Nightfall came and everyone was turning in for the night. Except for Matt, that is. He was currently on his way to Levi's office.

"Crap, what if I get kicked out, I worked so hard to get here..." Matt thought to himself before knocking on the door. After a few dreadful seconds, he heard a monotone,

"Come in." Matt stepped inside the room.

"Close the door." Levi commanded. Matt did as he was told, knowing he was already off the deep end.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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