・ー ・ PROLOGUE ・ー・

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A/N: Before we start this story I'd just like to point out that Y/N is bisexual, omni, pan, or any other sexualities that love more then just the opposite gender, and your gender. Also this is a Tsukasa x Male reader! I'm sorry...I might do a girl version in the future, again super sorry about that to any female readers reading this. :(

Y/N's POV:
I woke up and stared at my messy bangs, my h/c hair was not that messy, but my bangs get very tangled at night. So, I just decided to brush them out a bit. It worked out great! And I looked like my old HOT ASS self. I sighed as my alarm clock read 4:45am. "Great.." I muttered as I woke up early; as usual. I hate school...I'd rather just hang out with GOOD spirits. But of course, I AM an exorcist after-all.. I soon realized my parents had woken up as I just laid in my big room, staring at the ceiling. Its my first day at a new school, I thought forcing myself a smile.

Elementary-middle school was really rough for me. I mean— I was homeschooled. Being an exorcist is fun but it has its risks. I wondered if anyone else at the school was an exorcist!

As I got out of bed, staring in the mirror, disgust reaking from my aura I stared at my reflection in the mirror, thinking about how I looked in the morning.. I was plain ugly. My (h/c) was rare, but at the same time, just made me stand-out even more. My (e/c) honestly would make me give off a scary aura, if you just didn't pay attention to my social anxiety and personality...'Why did I get my dad genes?!' I thought as I turned the shower on and turned it too the hottest setting as I can, testing it, but flinching after I had a burn mark on my finger because of the water being to hot after me touching it. I sighed. I can be really...really stupid at time's.

Once I finished showering, I dried up my body, put my uniform on. I stared at my reflection, as I brushed out my hair lightly again, as I was still naked, I put my uniform on, some cologne and I was done, yay...

"Okay! I am all ready for school." I said, trying to at least be a little confident & happy. I put on some gloves, even tho I am good at my staff, I just hate seeing my past burn marks. Training was hard...and traumatized me a bit. I hated how I can go from being emotionless to being happy, sad, angry, and whatever.

When I headed out of my room, my parents were still in the kitchen. "Y/N, it's still 6:30. You have like- 30 minutes until school starts, do you wanna eat breakfast? I can whip something up as your mom gets ready." My dad said, knowing I LOVE his cooking. "Mmm...sure dad. But; what are you making today?" Asking this made me even more hungrier; wondering if it was my favorite food.

He stared at me, like he wasn't very prepared. But then spoke quickly after that; saying, "Well! I will make your favorite. Gohan. Plain, steamed rice, and eggs with bacon on the side." He said as he got out the rice, eggs, bacon, and all of the other ingredients. "Okay! Thank you so much dad. Although I might have to eat it on the way, because I also need a lunch."

In school
Y/N's POV:
I was sitting down in my seat. Because I came to school early I still had time to get all my stuff ready and finish my breakfast. Even though I didn't transfer on the first day, people still treated it like the first day. I mean; it is the first month. "Hii! Are you new here? I mean—of course you are I'm sorry for seeming so dumb!!! I'm sorry your just very hot— I MEAN."

A blonde with blonde hair and a green ombre at the end said, having a girl with purple hair next to her. I analyzed them quickly, they seem nice. "Hi! I am new here..uhm..my names Y/N L/N" I said acting as friendly as I can. "Nice name! I'm Yashiro Nene, and this is my bestfriend- Aoi Akane!" Yashiro said, as this Aoi girl finally spoke. "Heyo..my names Aoi! We welcome you into this school." As she said that—the bell finally rung, I was in the middle of them. 'They are gonna be nice friends!' I thought.

Class ended;
Lunch time
Y/N's POV:
Once I ended class, yashiro said she was heading to the rooftop with a friend. I asked if I can join..she seemed unsure at first, but then agreed. And now I'm following her to the rooftop; even though I got a full school tour when I in-rolled into the school. "Yashiro-san...I can walk y'know?" I said as she pulled me up the last flight of stairs, as she opened the rooftop doors.

"I know, I know!" She said letting me sit down, with her friend coming only a few minutes after while we were talking. "I AM HERE YASHIRO-SENPAI!!" The loud blonde said. He seems annoying... "Hi! This is Y/N L/N, you can call him N/N!" Yashiro said, and I smiled. Although it wasn't that genuine..

"Hi— wait....are you— PART OF THE MINAMANTO CLAN?!" I said jumping up. "Oh my god!!! I've always wanted to meet one; are you strong? Powerful? Handsome? How many apparitions have you killed? Whats that on your staff? Can we be friends?" I exclaimed; lowkey fangirling. He started to blush as I said that; and so did I... "Ah— uhm...yeah, I'm strong, powerful, handsome...and I've killed a lot of evil ones!" He said bowing. "Ooooo! So you leave the good ones alone? That's so cool; me too!" I said; as they both had blank faces and went silent.

"Hmm..Did I say something wrong?" I said going closer to the loud handsome blondes face. "I—.. uh—-" -//////- is the face I made after me going that close, before slowly fainting. "Did I break him?" I said fake-sobbing looking at Yashiro. "Yeah...I think so." She said as we both sat down next to him, praying looking at his 'dead body', as I tried to hold back laughter.

"Pfft—" I said before I burst out laughing, "AHAHAHAAHAHA." "Oh— BAHAHA. pftt- you do know he JUST fainted, Yashiro?" I said as she looked up. "Yeah...but he still should rest in piece!!" She said playing around with the joke. "Anyways ..... Y/N about what you said earlier ..... uhm— do you- y'know, kill spirits ...?"

—..... Huh? Did I say something like that? Wha- oh... omg- no. I shouldn't have- oh no... ah- omg. "Ha-ah? U-uhm....what do you mean Nene? Are you hearing things?" I said getting more stern and formal, trying to seem intimidating. "Ah- uhm, it's just-" she almost stuttered saying that. "Y-you...nevermind! It seemed like you said something along the lines of that earlier! I just wanted to make- I mean know...hehe.."

She said gulping and sweating badly, and, suddenly, before I could respond, I saw .... a ghost? Were they- well they look like a he, but whatever, is this ghost in particular connected to Nene? Hm... I shall not make eye contact. "Ah! It's fine, sorry if I came of as scary Nene. Anyways, back to our conversation, Kou will be okay Nene-chan!!" I said smiling, going back to my lively and childish behavior.

Nene and Y/N are packing up for home!
"Hmm, well I will see you later Nene and Aoi Have a good day, and remember to do your homework Nene ... we studied, and I don't want you failing!!! DD:" I said as a farewell to Nene and Aoi. That ghost was still with them ... they are definitely attached to Nene, but why? "S-stop it... I will not fail! R-right Aoi?" Nene said fake sobbing. Aoi just looked at her. "OH COME ON!!!" She said as she pushed me out the classroom door, into the hallway.

Haha.. teasing her sure is fun. I should just get home now, I can't be late!

I have been having a bad aura all day. This is veryyyy weird. Maybe this school does have spirits after all? Are some of them ... b-bad? That would give me trouble..... mmm thats so much work I'm not prepared for!!! I'm only in high school....

A/N: I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THE PROLOUGE. IT TOOK. SO. FREAKING. LONG. ISTG- anyways...please expect a new chapter next weekend</3. anywayd the word count isssss: 1541 words(including these words ehehhehe)

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