Meeting the Avengers

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Today was the day you're finally going to meet the avengers you are so nervous you're thinking in your head how do you act around them. Do they even know you exist.

Tony: hey kiddo it's time to meet the Avengers

Y/n: ok let's go

As you're walking down the stairs you see all The Avengers sat in the main room but one guy caught your eye it was Captain America in your head you were thinking Omg he's so hot okay y/n Focus  you don't wanna get distracted you walk into the main room and see them all staring at you you feel a bit overwhelmed because they're all looking at you

Tony : everyone this is my daughter y/n stark she's going to be joining The Avengers

Y/n: hey everyone

Natasha: hey y/n Natasha but everybody calls me Nat for short I can see Me and y/n are going to be the best of friends

Thor : hi I'm Thor  son of Odin

Loki: hi am Loki

Steve : hi I'm Steve And wow you're beautiful

Bucky : hi I'm Bucky

Bruce : I am Bruce Banner

Y/n: it's lovely to meet everyone * you're trying not to blush because what Steve said*

Tony : Steve could you show y/n to her room please

Steve : yeah sure

Steve shows you to your room . your room is a big room with a lovely velvet double bed with pink and gold bedding with pink curtains and with a walk-in bathroom and walk in  wardrobe

Steve: do you like your room

Y/n: I love it

Steve : I know it's too soon but would you like to go on a date with me tonight

Y/n: I would love to

Steve : okay meet me outside at 7:00

Y/n: ok see you at 7:00

You go into your bedroom in your head oh my God Steve Rogers just asked me on a date I can't believe it .wait shit what am I going to where . you picked out a lovely short black dress in your head I'm so nervous I hope it's not awkward

If you hours later it is now 7 o'clock you're making your way downstairs and you see Steve outside waiting for you in your head Steve is looking handsome it starts to make you blush

Steve: wow y/n you look amazing

Y/n: thanks Steve you look handsome 

You and Steve go on the date you have an amazing time you can be yourself around Steve which makes him more attractive after your date You and Steve are walking home holding hands

Steve : I had an amazing life with you

Y/n: so did I Steve

Steve : shall we go on another date tomorrow

Y/n: yeah we should but I get to organise it

Steve : ok

Y/n: meet me tomorrow on the rooftop at 7:00

Steve : ok stark *steve kisses you *

Y/n: bye Steve

Steve : bye y/n

You go upstairs to your bedroom and you can't stop smiling in your head That date was amazing I love how I can be myself-around him  he gives me butterflies I love the way he makes me feel I can't wait for a date tomorrow night

Get your jammies on and brush your teeth then you get into bed and fall asleep

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