Chapter 19 - Return To My Arms

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The past five years were filled with school activities. Yes, you heard it right, after 3 long family vacations Carlisle considers that the children should start attending school as it's been so long since they last entered the place.

Worried about their lack of education the siblings attend one of Alaska's schools much to Dean and Emmet's displeasure. Dorothea however, from time to time would join them but mostly would spend her time with Denalis at home.

Edward, Emmet, and Dean had protested about this to Carlisle on how the girl doesn't have to go to school but they have to, which didn't end well since Carlisle told them how Dorothea was actually going through homeschooling plus studying alongside Carlisle with his works.

The boys formerly said that it was so much more manageable but once Dorothea granted them to try her lifestyle, they gave up within a week, they would end it in a day but that will slander their pride.

Today is not different as Dorothea watches her sibling drive to school along with Carlisle to work. Esme busied herself with a magazine while the Denalis went off doing their own thing. "Esme, may I go out?" / "Where to honey?"

"Nowhere frankly. Just assumed that I could use some fresh air before commencing on more paperwork." Esme permitted Dorothea to leave the house once Dorothea changes into an article of more reasonable clothing for the weather but Dorothea being her slothful self just put on her winter coat.

" Esme permitted Dorothea to leave the house once Dorothea changes into an article of more reasonable clothing for the weather but Dorothea being her slothful self just put on her winter coat

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Walking through the woods dodging the town at all costs since she was not in the mood to be kind and smile at every human who stops her for her attention. Strolling carefully while enjoying nature's view. Dorothea would even challenge to say Fork's beauty is nowhere near Alaska's beauty. Humming with her eyes shut, just enjoying her presence which she wasn't able to get due to the big family at the house.

Everything went frozen when a familiar scent caught her attention if possible Dorothea's eyes become teary as many memories went past her to remind her just how much she had missed him. Without apprehending her feet started running on their own, closer to the town.

His scent was mixed with the many humans wandering by, moving her eyes everywhere through the masses hoping to see that blonde hair she so hard had fallen for. Hastening in the middle of the crowds ignoring the stare given to her hoping to catch a pair of red eyes, Dorothea is desperate and it shows clearly on her face while turning around nonstop.

"Jasper... Jasper... Jasper" Murmuring his name softly, why not loudly? Dorothea is still scared to accept her future with him but her actions show just how much more important Jasper is for her to be running around like a madman searching for him.

Dorothea is getting unsteady with her eyes not stopping to rest and the overwhelming scent and sound the mortals were executing, is making it worse for her. Crouching down while hiding her face trying so hard to stop everything, softly begging everything to slow down and her eyes beginning to swell up in fear.

"Darling?" She froze, everything else was forgotten as she made a debate if she should look up at that deep voice. Finger twisting in nervousness but that stopped when a pair of rough hands carefully held hers. "Your emotions are everywhere. Calm down."

That's definitely Jasper but somehow she just can't construct up the courage to look up at him, she doesn't know how she should respond or how their future would be but once Jasper's hands left hers, all that thought went away.

The only thing that stays was the thought of Jasper leaving her, swiftly she pushes herself onto Jasper to embrace him making them fall to the ground with many stares from the townspeople. "Don't leave me, please. I'm frightened." Dorothea's voice came out hushed in a whimper telling Jasper just how much she was broken.

Sensing the stares won't go away. Jasper stood up with Dorthea still in his arm to a more private place, the woods. Dorothea didn't once let the man free, just burying herself deeper into Jasper's neck while inhaling his sweet scent. Jasper too didn't let her go until they reach a meadow with a small frozen lake not far.

Slowly putting Dorothea back on the ground, checking for any injury on the girl but knowing how she heals faster than normal relieved him.

Dorthea finally looked up at him, letting out a gasp seeing the once red ruby eyes have now turned into golden ones, similar to Carlisle's. Reaching her hands out to caress Jasper's face with eyes never leaving each other, she also notices her scarf was still wrapped tightly on his wrist.

"How are you feeling now?" / "Been better." Dorothea was preparing to answer Jasper's question upon her sudden breakdown but what she got instead was his deep laughter as he tackles her down carefully on the meadow.

Seeing how surprised Dorothea was under him made him commence tickling her until his desired smile grew widely on Dorothea's beautiful face. "S-Stop! J-Jasper!. Oh god! Wh-What are you doing?! No!"

Dorothea had rolled them making Jasper now under her, her smile still wide as what happened a few seconds ago had been disregarded staring into his eyes. If possible the golden eyes on him, made Dorothea feel more butterflies than his past ruby eyes.

"Do I get a kiss at least for returning, ma'am?" / "Well, you did indeed return but you made your lady wait for so long Mr Whitlock," Dorothea's words might be firm and serious but Jasper knew better than that, her tone does not match her emotion at all.

With a smirk, Jasper took the lead by pulling Dorothea's chin closer so that they can share that long-waited-for, tempestuous kiss. "My apologies, love."

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