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Jaehyun sighed gently at the unwelcome noise that ruined the point of his visit to the bridge to begin with.

"Sir...I know that it may not seem like it right now," the voice called again from further down the path. "But someone will miss you if you jump!"

The brunette chuckled at the boy's words, finding the harmless accusation quite adorable.

He tore his gaze from the setting sun and fixed it upon a frowning blonde who looked at him with worry written all over his face.

"Don't worry, I wasn't planning on it."

A small frown graced the other's face as he heard the dismissive tone that laced the taller's words, as if his concerns were going unnoticed.

"I know that if I leave you now, you'll feel more alone than ever!" Taeyong called up, his persistence intriguing the younger. "So can I offer you a coffee?" When silence followed, the blonde took a tentative step forward, not wanting to spook the other. "I know a nice place."

Jaehyun had to suppress a chuckle as he thought about the chances of being offered a coffee with no real reason.

"You know, I'm genuinely not suicidal," he repeated, his small smile going unnoticed by the unconvinced older.

"That's what they all say...then they jump. Just come with me and I'll pay." Taeyong crossed his fingers, hoping that the stranger would agree. It would truly settle his mind to know he had saved a life.

"Free coffee? Hell yeah."


"So, what's your name?" Taeyong quietly asked while looking at the stores which had begun to close for the night.

The moon shone gloriously upon the relatively empty streets of Seoul, and Jaehyun thought that the glow it illuminated captured this stranger in a new light.

His sharp facial features would have convinced him that this kid was strong and intimidating, but the nervousness and care that he showed begged to differ.

"Jaehyun," he whispered back, the quiet buzz of the passing people almost cancelling out his words. "Jung Jaehyun."

"Well I'm Lee Taeyong." He paused for a moment, really taking in the other's appearance properly for the first time. "Sorry if I made you uncomfortable earlier, but it really would settle my mind for the night if I knew that you had calmed down and gotten home safely," he explained while sending Jaehyun a sheepish grin to express his apology.

𝗽𝘂𝗺𝗽𝗸𝗶𝗻 𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗰𝗲; jaeyongWhere stories live. Discover now