Becomming of Marinette

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Mari's pov
"Loser" ugh those stupid bullies the only reason they are pretty and get hot dudes is because they are popular wannabe girls that are plastic bitches no boy here has eyes they only want a girl who is classified hot! "WHY ARE YOU STANDING HERE STILL FREAK?" Shut up dumb plastic barbie! "Oh, I forgot you're the weird kid who never speaks!" I'll end you when I decide to speak...if I ever do... "Let's go girls!" you better and stay away! "Bye Maritrash!" bye plastic ass "Hey Mari!" Oh, it's Alya my only friend "Hey.." I said and she smiled, she is the only person I'll ever talk to in this school! "Let's get to lunch!" Alya said and grabbed my hand "Yeah.." I said and then grinned at Alya and started running "Heyyyy waiiiiitttt!" Alya said and giggled so did I until "Hey....sorry!" I said as I bumped into someone "Ugh!" I looked up to see who was growling "No I'm sorry I didn't see you- wait are you that girl who doesn't speak?" I nodded slowly then Alya grabbed my hand and glared at the kid in front of us "Is there something wrong?" she asked and the kid smiled nervously and walked off...he looks familiar "Alya who was that kid!?" I asked and she looked at me "You don't wanna be his friend he is friends with Chloé...apparently!" Alya said and straight away I didn't like the kid "Let's get to lunch as we were on our way!" I said and we both walked together to the que "Ugh that bitch just wants to stalk us! JUST CUZ YOUR NEAR US DON'T MEAN YOUR COOL SO SCRAM IDIOT!" Chloé shouted and I smirked "WHY ARE YOU SMIRKING FREAKY WEIRDO!?" she asked and I giggled "Because you think of yourself so highly when your just a plastic doll!" I said and everyone went silent "Did you hear me right?" I asked and she gulped then turned around with an annoyed look, I could hear snickering and then I snickered with Alya "Good one girl!" I know! I haven't spoken in so long...I think I'll take another break...I mean that felt good but...I don't know "Hey you ok girl?" Alya asked and I nodded "Just thinking about things..." I said and Alya smiled while grabbing two trays "Thanks Al's!" I said as she handed me a tray "No problem short berry!" Alya said and we giggled "What are those chickens laughing about now?" Chloé said and then the lunch lady put some food on my plate "Perfect!" I heard Chloé say and I gulped "Thank you!" I said to the lunch lady and walked off only to be greeted by hot food in my face and laughing "Oh so you wanna play like that blonde!" I said and heard Alya Oooo "Shut up side prick!" Chloé said to Alya and that pissed me off so I dropped my tray and wiped my face and glared at chloé "Who are you calling side prick? The only side pricks I see are you and your minions!" I said and Chloé's mouth dropped so I laughed and walked off with Alya "Since when girl?" Alya asked and I snickered "No clue," I said and we sat down while talking.
-After school-
"BYE MARITRASH, OH AND AT LEAST I HAVE MONEY TO AFFORD GOOD LOOKS UNLIKE YOU!!!" I heard Chloé shout, she is so dumb she just handed me a come back "I don't need to buy my looks because I already got them and it's sad you had to buy them so stop thinking it's a flex!" I said and turned to them smirking before walking home "Woo!" I heard Alya shout and giggle "bye Al's!" I said and we hugged and walked our separate ways home.
-At home-
"Hey Tikki?Should I go back to being silent or should I be me..the real me?" I asked and Tikki squealed "BE THE REAL YOU!" she said and with that, I started with my look, it isn't me. I hate my hair, so long so I'm cutting it! "Tikki pass me my scissors please!" I said and received them "Thanks," I said and cut my hair "Woah!" I heard Tikki say as I finished and I smiled when I looked up into the mirror "That's more like me!" I said and then my door opened "Mari honey you need to- Woah who did your hair?" I then turned and smiled at my mum "Me!" I said and she squealed "ITS AMAZING HUN!" she said and I giggled "Ok but you need to get ready for boxing and then fencing!" my mum said and I nodded "sure I'll be down in 10," I said and my mum nodded and walked off "Tikki you can come out again" soon after I said that I saw Tikki fly towards me "You're pulling off every look!" Tikki said and I smiled at her "thank you" I said and sighed when I turned to face the mirror "I just hope I didn't give Chloé another thing on her list to bully me about.." I said and my face dropped "hon don't worry you always look beautiful now you're going to be late!" My mum said and giggled so I turned around and smiled at her "thank you mum" I said and smiled at the compliment. "Tell father I'll be there soon I'll get ready now mum, love you." My mum smiled and blew me a kiss and I giggled as she shut the trap door "Your mum is right!" I heard Tikki say and I smiled at her "I know..." I said and then got my gear "there you are?" My dad said and gave me a huge hug that made me laugh "dad...I can't breathe!" I said and giggled as he let go of me "sorry I'm just so proud! also your hair looks great kid" I smiled at my dad and then went to get my lunch "Should I start going to my lessons?" I asked while standing next to the exit "sure so your not late!" My mum said with a smile and I gave them both a kiss and left for boxing. "Your here Dupain-cheng welcome back!" I heard my teacher say and I smiled at him as I got my gloves on "your aim this lesson is to not hit the target but use all the techniques you have learned to dodge the obstacles and once you've warmed up we will train, sound good?" I nodded with the other students and we all started stretching and warming up "Dupain-Cheng?" sir read my name and I responded "Here sir" I said and began punching the bag in front of me that no one was on "Let's make this harder, I want you to move while hitting the target and also who can tell our new student Luna what we do in fights?" I raised my hand and stood there "Yes" sir said and I smiled "always protect your face and move your hips when punching for a stronger impact." I said and then sir nodded with a smile "that's key now you may go warm up with the rest" sir said and everyone went back to warming up. "Hey" I heard a shy voice say and I smiled at the person to who the voice belonged to "hey, what's up?" I asked and they smiled nervously at me so I knew they were sort of like me "Are you also shy if so don't worry I don't judge" I said and she smiled at me "thank you, your so kind" she said and I thanked her then began punching the bag again. "Ok time to actually practice and fight a little today," sir said and I heard whispering "who wants to go first?" I raised my hand and stepped forward I've been working my ass off I'm not gonna let little emotions stop me from showing my teacher my skills "alright who wants to fight with Marinette?" No one raised their hand so Sir decided to fight "everyone watch closely alright, also Marinette one of your targets were to let loose if you're in danger don't be scared to attack you have to hit don't resist!" I nodded and got into my fighting pose "great pose" Sir said and I smirked as I heard the bell ring signaling that we can start.I started off not trying too much but then remembered what sir said 'don't hold back' it rang through my head and then I saw a fist coming my way and luckily I protected my face...Sir didn't though so I took the opportunity to swing my fist up to him. "crap I forgot the main rule" he said while holding his nose after he threw his gloves off "I'm so sorry " I said and he chuckled "don't be I told you to not hold back plus I didn't cover my face" I giggled nervously but ran to get an ice pack "it is my fault" I said and he then removed his headpiece around his forehead and chin. "at least it's not that bad" he said and got a tissue "yeah I guess" I said and sighed. A little later class finished and I was stressed but still had fencing and possibly gymnastics. I made my way to my fencing class and saw that guy I saw at lunch, the one who is apparently friends with Chloé "oh hey, Marinette right?" he said and I ignored him and went into the ladies changing room "omg it's that girl....." I heard muttering and I glared at the people then placed my bag down in my locker and left to the fencing field "Hello Marinette!" I heard the teacher say and I waved annoyed while putting my helmet on. of course, I had to be in that blondies class! "Hey, I'm your partner from now on!" I heard a male say and I turned to see a boy with green eyes and nothing else really because of the mask "well can I see what my so-called partner looks like?" I asked and giggled a little and they chuckled and removed their helmet, fuck sake it's him "oh it's you." I said and then put my helmet back down and faced the front "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" He asked and I ignored him "don't talk to me, only talk to me if it's important or our work!" I said and didn't look at him "ok..." he said and I did feel bad but anyone who is friends with Chloé is bad news. "First we will start with positions and different techniques you can use!" The teacher said and I was so bored "The first pose is riposte" I nodded and knew exactly what to do "Marinette, that's the wrong pose..." I heard my partner say and I glared at him "Actually it's not Adrien that's the right pose so well done Marinette, everyone take notes!" Sir said and I stood tall and proud "next pose is...let's do parry!" I straight away knew Adrien was gonna strike so I blocked his lunge and did the move parry "your really good Marinette" I heard Adrien say and he sounded shy so I lifted my mask and smiled at him "right back at ya" I said and then pulled my mask down again.I liked my new self, I'll say this is the becoming of Marinette!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2023 ⏰

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