Chapter Nine

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The next few weeks passed by in a daze. Most of the teachers seemed to respect what she was going through and didn't call on her in class- she still got her homework in on time, so they didn't have anything to complain about really.

She spent her free time shut away in her dorm with her curtains closed, practising spells and studying, just to keep her mind busy. Charlie often sat at the bottom of the girls dorms waiting.

They had a silent routine- they would walk together to lunch and every class, he would make up her plate and she would eat it, and not a word passed between them. The rest of the Gryffindors watched curiously.

Three weeks in, Tonks accosted the pair on their way to Herbology. "Right, I'm getting sick of you two." The girl declared, sporting a navy-blue pixie cut that day. She grabbed the pair, turning them to face each other. "You need to talk, it's driving me crazy! You just drift around the school and don't speak to anyone. So speak." Maya opened her mouth, furrowing her brow, but Charlie laid a hand on her arm. "She doesn't have to speak if she doesn't want to, Tonks." He declared. "If it takes her some time, that's fine. She's had her entire world turned on its head."

Tonks crossed her arms, scowling. "Yes Charles, I realise that. But the only person Maya is hurting here is herself by not speaking. People are starting to whisper about her, and it ain't nice." Maya looked up. "Call me Penny." She whispered. It was the first phrase to pass her lips in weeks besides spells. Charlie stared in shock, his mouth falling open. His sister smiled weakly, reaching up a hand to close his mouth. "I'm Penelope Cartwright." She continued. "That's what I want to be called."

Tonks nodded, holding a hand out towards the other girl. "It's nice to meet you, Penelope Cartwright. I'm Tonks, just Tonks." Penny cracked a smile as she shook the Hufflepuff's hand. "Please to meet you, Tonks." She responded, her voice slightly hoarse from lack of use. Charlie blinked. "You want me to call you Penny?" He whispered. She nodded. He flung his arms around the girl, causing her to let out an 'oof'.

"So." Tonks linked her arms through the pair. "Now you're talking, can you give me a hand with my charms homework? You're the best at it and I'm hopeless, I gave Julia a black eye trying to do wingardium leviosa." Charlie sniggered at the memory of the girl waving her arm so vigorously she punched her classmate in the face.

"She looks at you terrified every time she walks past now." He howled with laughter. Penny found herself joining in, even Tonks couldn't hold her fake scowl, and followed. The trio were still giggling when they reached the greenhouses. Professor Sprout raised an eyebrow, but didn't look cross. "You three are late."

"Sorry Professor, it's my fault." Penny said. The group of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs turned their heads to look at her, amazed. "Very well, Miss Cartwright." Professor Sprout responded, her only giveaway of her surprise a slight twinkle in her eyes. "Come on in and take a seat." The group headed into the greenhouses and Penny squeezed in between Cole and Charlie.

"Hey Maya." Cole whispered. "Nice to hear your voice again."
"Thanks Cole, but call me Penny." The boy blinked, then his face broke into a wide toothy grin. "Alright Penny. Pass us the trowel." She handed the boy the trowel, and they all got working on their plants.

The Herbology class passed smoothly, Cole and Penny working in unison. She liked working with Cole. The boy didn't ask too many questions, he just accepted if she was in a chatty mood or not that day. He was also very good at Herbology. She was worried her lacklustre ability would drag his down, but he was perfectly happy to keep working with her.

The bell rang, and the group began packing up to head to lunch. Professor Sprout's voice rang out as Penny shouldered her bag and prepared to leave the greenhouse. "Miss Cartwright, can you stay behind please?" Cole and Charlie looked back with a glance, but she flapped her hands to tell them to carry on and not wait for her. She stood to the side as the greenhouse emptied, and Tonks gave her a wink as she passed, for once having not recieved a detention in that class.

"It's good to see you talking again, Miss Cartwright." Professor Sprout spoke. "And I'm very impressed that neither your class work or homework has dropped in quality these last few weeks.

"It's thanks to Tonks, really." Penny responded. "I don't know what it is about her, but she just brought me out of the fog I was living in." Professor Sprout pursed her lips slightly at the mention of her student. "Yes, Miss Tonks has a... unique ability of bringing out another side of people." She said, amused. "Good work today, anyway. Five points to Gryffindor." She dismissed the girl, but Penny paused on the doorway, turning back. "Professor?"

"Yes Miss Cartwright?"

"I want to go by Penelope. Penelope Cartwright." Professor Sprout just nodded. "Okay, I'll update the rest of the teachers." Penny cocked her head slightly. It was this easy? Everyone seemed very accepting. "Another thing, if I may?" She took a deep breath. "Can everyone stop tiptoeing around me like I'm gonna break? It's getting a bit tiring." Professor Sprout chuckled at the girl's boldness. "Very well, Miss Cartwright. Off you go, enjoy your lunch."

Penny headed off to join her friends, skipping up the hill to the castle with her satchel banging against her thigh. Cole and Charlie were waiting by the doors back into the castle. "I said you didn't have to wait!" She laughed, interlinking their arms. "We'll always wait for you, Pen." Cole laid his head on her shoulder, Charlie mimicking his action on the other side. She laughed, elbowing the pair. "Gotta catch up with me first!" She pulled away and took off down the corridor, giggling. She heard the footsteps of Charlie making chase. "I'll meet you guys there!" Cole called after them. "I don't run anywhere."

Penny laughed as she ran.

A/N there will be a few time jumps coming up in the next few chapters, as these kids don't go to school with Harry Potter their school years are pretty boring.

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