the beginning

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as usual licorice was very not happy with dark enchantress cookie.
our emo boy needed to let off some steam.
so off to hot topic he went!

licorice cookie was a regular at hot topic, in fact so much so it was like he never left
he was browsing the e-girl makeup, specifically the mascara as shroomie kept ransacking his supplies because they wanted to do "james charles cookie tutorials". he had been considering starting a new diary about this in addition to his 725th diary about how much he HaTEs dArk enChantReSs cOokIE grr grr grr.
(he hasnt gotten over that last among us match ig)

just thinking about it made his mascara drip. he didn't really cry. it was for the aesthetic.

he picked up gucci mascara tester and emphasized the tear tracks his mascara made as well as redoing it. he took the entire stock of gucci mascara and continued to look around for some poggers bargains

suddenly :OOOOOO
he found some cute eboy clothes and furiously wrote in his "pog diary for pog things" about the clothes. he picked up what he liked and went to the changing room to try it on

Licorice Cookie goes to Hot TopicWhere stories live. Discover now