The road to love~

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~Lucy's POV~

It was another beautiful sunny day in Magnolia, Fiore and a blonde celestial spirit mage was sitting at the bar, staring almost unconsciously at a salmon haired fire mage who was fighting with a...half naked but almost naked ice mage. She could remember clearly how she met the fire mage as though it happened just yesterday...

-Flash back-

I was walking along a row of buzzing shops, thinking about my life not very long ago and the rash yet not regretted decision I made. You see, I am Lucy Heartfilia, sole heir of the Heartfilia estate and a Celestial Spirit Mage. I ran away from my uncaring father who was forcing me into marriage to a guy who I have never even met once in my life!? Not to mention he's super ugly and has the worst manners on earthland...

Ever since my mother's passing, he has become a heartless robot. All he ever cared about is work. He hardly paid any attention to me and I was very lonely as I was growing up. And finally, when I'm 17 years old, he suddenly remembers I exist and is forcing me to get married just so his business can grow!? Excuse me but, I don't believe your daughter's happiness should be forsaken just for the sake of money.

Sigh...I guess life just isn't least I'm not stuck there anymore and am on a quest to join a wizard guild to have a REAL family again.

Suddenly, I heard squeals and shouts of girls nearby. Out of curiosity, I turned my head and looked towards the direction of the commotion. Apparently, it's about the famous salamander from Fairytail coming to town. Geez, don't these girls have a life, he's just a wizard from Fairytail...wait...WAIT...FAIRYTAIL!?!?!?! OH MY GOD!!! Did I mention that the wizard guild I'm hoping to join is Fairytail!? It's apparently the best guild in Fiore!! Eagerly, I ran towards the gathered group of girls, awaiting his arrival. Maybe I can ask him to let me join fairytail!

When I saw him, I couldn't help but start to shriek and scream like the other girls. What's wrong with me!? I'm not usually like this!? Anywho, Salamander is here!

~No one's POV~

"Hi there ladies-" salamander tried say but was interrupted by his fans. "It's him!!! Salamander!!!!

-Flashback end-

At that very moment...I was sure he was the one for me...because not only did he break the love charm the fake salamander was using on me, he had also rescued me from being enslaved by that imposter. Everybody knows...only your soul mate could break a love charm spell that was affecting you. Since then, we had become best or friends and partners in missions. Sigh...what I wouldn't give to hear him say I love you too...

Mira then appeared in my line of sight. "Still not telling him? You two would make a great couple you know." I hid my face in my hands and grumbled "How can I tell him! It's so obvious that dense idiot does not care about anything other than fighting! How in the world would he even know something like love exists!?" Mira's face softened as she sort of understood my concerns. "Tho you never know...maybe he isn't as dense or clueless as you thought..." I nodded half-heartedly and left the guild to go back to my apartment.

What we both didn't notice was that a certain fire dragon slayer had heard each and every word exchanged between us via his enhanced hearing.

~Natsu's POV~

WOW!!! I didn't know Luce liked someone...tho for some reason, I feel a sense of anger-sadness-happiness boiling inside of me at the thought of Luce liking someone. What is this feeling for? Sigh. Girls are so complicated. Why can't they be simpler to understand? Still, I don't like seeing Luce feeling so down, maybe I'll try cheering her up later when I invade her apartment!

"Oi! Flame brain!" an iron dragon slayer's voice drifted into my ears. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME METAL BREATH!!" I retorted, ready to fight as I lit up my hands in flames. "Chill flame man, I just wanted to know if you found your mate yet." MATE!? What mate!? At the look of my utter confused face, Gajeel snorted. "Should've known an idiot like you would not have known any of this." "Pfft just tell me already metal brain!" "Fine if you remember, your dragon should have told you that after a certain age, you, like any other dragon, would have to start looking for our soul mate to spend the rest of your life with. We, like dragons, will only mate once in our lives. However, the identity of our mates is not up to us. Our mates were already pre chosen the moment we become dragon slayers. And lucky for us, the moment has come for us to search for our mates and mark them." Oh my god...I think Igneel said something like this before but I didn't take it seriously then. Who was my mate!? "Another thing salamander, we have to mark our mates before our 18th birthday or we will die." With that, the iron dragon slayer sauntered away.

Die...I don't wanna die!! And I'M TURNING 18 THIS YEAR. I panicked and dashed after Gajeel. "Wait how I know if someone's my mate!?" "Geez. Did your dragon tell you nothing?" I glared at him and he continued "Our mates would cause us to feel angry or sad at weird instances that normally we won't care about. Also, they will smell like the best thing on Earthland" Gajeel replied impatiently. "Oh..." I walked out of the guild, lost in thought.

As I walked, an aroma of strawberries and vanilla invaded my nose. It was the best thing I've ever smelt in my life!! I quickly trailed the smell to.....Luce's apartment!? Could it be that she's my soul mate!? Yea I did feel weirdly angry n sad earlier...she's also smelling like the best thing on Earthland...OH MY GOSH...I think I just found my mate... I got to tell her!! I climbed into the apartment through the window and sat on the bed.

As I waited for Luce to come out from the bathroom, I realised even without this mate crap, I still loved Luce a long time ago. I would do anything for her, even if it cost me my life. I wouldn't be able to live without her, if she left the world, I would not hesitate to follow immediately. As I confessed my love for Luce to myself, my cheeks and neck started to grow warm...when the bathroom door opened.

~Lucy's POV~

I had just come out of a relaxing bath. Nothing beats a hot relaxing bath, well except maybe Natsu confessing his love for me... I shook these thoughts out of my head to find....a blushing NATSU on my bed!? At that moment Natsu looked up. "Oh hi Luce! How was your bath?" "Pervert! Lucy kick!" He flew to the kitchen and I quickly got dressed. "Owww...Luce what's that for" Natsu whined, pouting. Oh.My.God he's so adorable!! I internally screamed. Before I could retort to that, he spoke again. "Hey Luce, I got something to tell you...."

~Natsu's POV~

"Erm...erm..." I did not know how to begin. "Erm what!! Get on with it already Natsu!" "ILOVEYOULUCY!! WOULDYOUBEMYMATEFORETHERNITY!!" I blurted out.

~Lucy's POV~

I.Was.Shocked. scrap that, I was totally dumb founded. I could not believe my ears! The one man I loved...just confessed to me that he loved me back!? "I...I..." great, now it's my turn to stutter. "I am serious Luce. I love you. Dragon slayers, like dragons only mate once in their entire lives. And their mates aren't just anybody under the sun, they are their soulmates. But I totally understand if you choose someone else..." Natsu said with a look of fear, sincerity and hope in his eyes. "I...I love you too Natsu. Always have since I met you. And I am willing to be your mate for eternity!" I finally said after I saw how serious he was and how much he had feared rejection. He grinned in absolute happiness, his expression mirrored on my face and slowly, our lips met.

~Two years later (still Lucy's POV)~

I am now Lucy Dragneel, proud wife, partner and mate to Natsu. I bear a mark with orange flames on the left side of neck and a sparkling diamond ring with an everlasting flame from Natsu in it on my ring finger of my left hand to prove it. I am fully contented with my life and would not trade it for anything.



A/N: This is my first fanfic! Please don't kill me if some parts are similar to certain NaLus (^>.<^)/


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