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We stood there staring at each other for a bit. Both of our breathing were harsh and neither one of us dared to break eye contact. Eventually Czar let me go and dusted his shirt off.

"Don't ever pull something like that again." He said.

"I'll do what I please." I said.

He glared at me. "This isn't up for debate."

I crossed my arms. "You're right, it isn't."

"Just cut the crap Zariah!" He said as he slammed his hand down on the table.

"Now look who's acting childish." I said.

Czar stared at me and then tugged his hair before walking off toward the bathroom and I stood there for a bit. I took a deep breathe before sitting on the edge of my bed and putting my head in my hands. I wonder if everyday was going to be like this, the constant going back and forth, the arguing, the fighting. Both of us had too much pride to every back down from one another and that is why we won't work. I will not let him just boss me around and be rude to me, he expects me to be submissive and that will never be the case.

The shower water cut on and I knew he would be in the bathroom for a while. I took it upon myself to call room service to order some food. I hadn't eaten the whole entire day and I was currently starving. I thought about ordering Czar something but quickly ignore that thought. When I was done placing my order I grabbed my cell phone and called Lada.

"Hi! How is it going?" She answered after the first ring.

"Terrible." I sighed.

"What happened?" She asked. 

I bit but tears. "What hasn't  happened. I don't know Lada, nothing is going well."

"Give him some time, he will come around. I promise."

"I don't want him to come around. I want out of this marriage." I said.

She was silent for a bit. "I am so terribly Zairah, I wish I could help you."

I sighed. "It's not your fault." 

The shower water cut off and I knew I would have to hang up before Czar walked out of the bathroom.

"I have to go Lada, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, please try to enjoy yourself for me." 

I told her that I would before hanging up the phone. Just as I did so Czar walked into the room with a towel wrapped around her waist. My eyes fell upon his wash board abs that was so defined and mouthwatering. I tore my eyes away from his torso and looked down at my black phone screen.

"Who were you on the phone with?" He asked as he walked towards the closet.

"Room service, I ordered dinner for myself." I said, he didn't need it know that I had called Lada.

"Oh." was as he said.

I ignored him and sat back on the bed. Once he was done changing into his sweats and a plane t-shirt, he sat at the table and began typing away on his computer. A few minutes passed and there was a knock at the door. I got up and went to go answer it, the guy rolled the table into the room and the air filled with sweet scent of the food. I thanked and tipped him before shutting the door behind him.

Czar glanced at my plate as I began to eat but otherwise he said nothing. When I was done I brushed my teethed and headed to bed. I could still hear Czar typing harshly on his laptop but I didn't say anything and soon I began to drift off to sleep.


I woke up from the bed dipping. I sat up and turned to find Czar climbing into bed with me.

"What are you doing?" my voice groggy  from sleep.

"Going to bed." He said as if it was obvious.

"I know you are, but why are you sleeping in bed with me?" I said.

He rolled his eyes and turned his back to me. I stared at it for while, contemplating if I should kick him out of bed or not. However, I was too tired and knew that doing so would only cause an argument so I tuned my back away from him and fell back to sleep.


Hot, hot, too hot.

Why am I so hot?

I snapped my eyes open, right away I knew that I was sweating but I had no idea why. I tried to move but there was a huge weight on my stomach was preventing me from doing so. I looked down and found Czar fast asleep on me. He had kicked the blankets off of him and covered me completely.

I nudged at his head. "Czar get up, your making me hot." I whined.

Nothing from him besides his soft snores.

"Czar!" I said again as I nudged at his head.

Still nothing and this time he tighten his hold on me. I became irritated and started to kick and punch until he eventually woke up alarmed. He looked around the room confused before looking down at me.

"Why are you so sweaty?" He asked.

I groaned as I sat up and threw the covers off of me. "You were burning me alive!" I snapped as I hopped out of bed.

Czar looked at me confuse but said nothing as he watched me walk to the bathroom. I threw cold water all over my face to try and cool me down a bit before I threw my hair into a bun and began to brush my teeth. Soon Czar joined me in the bathroom and began to brush his teeth as well. We both said nothing as we stared at ourselves in the mirror. When we were done we both tried to exit the bathroom at the same time which caused us to get stuck in the doorframe.

Czar pushed me and I fell through before turning to glare at him.

"What do you want to do today?' He said, not looking me in the eyes.

"We're actually going to do something today?" I said.

"Don't make me change my mind." He said quickly.

"Ziplining." I said without giving it a second thought and I could have sworn I saw him crack a smile.

"Be ready in five." Was all he said as he walked off to the closet.

Maybe this honeymoon won't be so bad afterall.


Sorry for the long wait for an update, winter track has just started and I forgot how hard it is to balance sports and school while trying to keep up with updates. So, for now on I most likely will be updating on weekends. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapters, until next time my Lovlies! 

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