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Maya sighed as she looked around the New Year's Eve party. Some of the doctors from Grey Sloan were joining them, including Meredith Grey and her boyfriend Andrew DeLuca. There were people dancing, chatting and munching on the snacks that had been laid out on the table by the firefighters when they were setting up for the party. It seemed as though everyone had someone to talk to, except for her.

Maya's eyes continued to travel to the beautiful brunette who was somewhat away from the others. She seemed to have a lot on her mind and looked sad. Frowning slightly, Maya decided to go and talk to her. "Hi." She said softly, stopping beside the brunette.

"Oh, hello." The brunette said, having an Italian accent.

"Maya, Captain Maya Bishop." Maya said, offering the woman her hand.

The brunette smiled warmly. "Doctor Carina DeLuca." She said, taking Maya's hand and shaking it.

"Mind if I sit down?" Maya asked, gesturing to the empty seat beside Carina.

Nodding her head, Carina took another sip of her wine. "Go ahead." She said, waving her hand half heartedly.

Maya sat down and sipped her own drink. She pushed a strand of blonde hair out of her eyes and sighed.

The brunette went back to silently sulking over her break up with Doctor Arizona Robbins.

"What's up?" Maya asked. "You seem so down but you should be happy, you are at a party."

"My uhm, my girlfriend and I broke up." Carina said softly, looking down.

"Oh. I'm so sorry." Maya said awkwardly.

Carina shook her head. "She said it was because her daughter needed to move back to New York with her other mom."

"Oh." Maya said. "I'm sorry." She wasn't entirely sure what to say. She was never entirely sure what to say in these situations and it appeared as though she may be the most awkward person in the planet in these situations.

The brunette shrugged her shoulders. "It is not your fault." She said causally, brushing off the sadness for a brief second to smile at Maya.

"Can I get you another drink?" Maya offered, changing the subject with the utmost haste.

Carina looked up at her. "Yes, please and thank you." She said, finishing the last sip of her wine and handing the glass to Maya.

Maya smiled and got up to get Carina another glass of wine.

The brunette bit her lip and watched Maya walk away.

Maya's long blonde hair swung around her shoulders as she walked.

Shaking her head, Carina looked down at her phone. It was five minutes to midnight. She sighed deeply and ran her fingers through her hair.

Maya returned soon after with the glass Carina had given her full of wine. "Here you go." She held the glass out to Carina.

"Thank you, Bella." Carina said without thinking as she took the glass from Maya's hand.

"Bella?" Maya asked, sitting down.

Carina shifted slightly. "It means beautiful."

Maya's cheeks blushed a soft pink colour and she looked away awkwardly.

"You must hear that a lot." Carina said, smiling at her.

Maya shook her head. "Not really."

The brunette instantly frowned. "No? Why not?"

Maya shrugged. "I don't know."

Carina went to say something just as the countdown to midnight started.


Biting her lip, Carina shifted slightly closer to Maya. "Well, you are. Beautiful I mean." She placed two fingers on the side of Maya's cheek and gently turned her the blonde fire captain's head so she would look at her.


"What? No I'm not." Maya said, shaking her head. She didn't meet Carina's eyes.


"You are, you are stunning." The brunette said, moving even closer to Maya. "Look at me."

Maya's eyes flashed to Carina's. She could feel the tens room building between them and she gulped.

"Stunning. Absolutely beautiful." Carina said in a determined voice.


Maya shook her head again. "No."


"Si. Very beautiful." Carina said, leaning her head closer to Maya's. "And anyone who does not see it, is idiotas."


Maya brushed her hair from her face. "I'm not beautiful. You are."


Shaking her head, Carina reached out and cupped Maya's cheek. "You are the first and youngest ever female fire captain." She said softly. "You do whatever it takes to care for someone else. You are beautiful."


Maya stared at Carina. "How did you know that?"


Carina just smiled sweetly. "My brother tells me things."

"I've never spoken to your brother." Maya said.


"No, but you have spoken to his girlfriend, Meredith." Carina said, looking into Maya's eyes. "And Andy talks to Andrea a lot more than you think." She said, brushing Maya's hair behind her ear before leaning in and gently kissing Maya.

"Happy New Year!"

Maya was surprised by Carina kissing her but she found herself kissing Carina back. Their lips danced together, moulding together as if they were made for each other. There were fireworks sparking between them like the fireworks that flashed in the sky above their heads. All sounds seemed to drain away as they kissed until it was just the two of them, Carina and Maya, kissing under the flashing lights of the fireworks.

Cupping Maya's cheek with one hand, Carina slowly deepened the kiss.

Maya cupped the back of Carina's neck, trying not to seem too eager as they kissed. She had never had such a good kiss before.

They could hear the cheering around them, it was muffled but still audible, but neither of them paid any mind as they made out. All their attention was on each other.

Carina cupped Maya's other cheeks softly with her other hand.

Moving closer, Maya dropped her hands to Carina's hips. She couldn't help it. It just felt so natural.

Carina broke the kiss after a few minutes. "Felice anno nuovo." She said softly, panting softly.

"Happy New Year." Maya said back, smiling widely, panting too.

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