Chapter 5:Summons

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"Dovahkiin? No!!"

With a final blow, the sword sunk into the dragon's neck. It collapses, shaking the ground. Andromeda herself, still feeling the rush of adrenaline, also fell onto her knees. A dragon, she had fought and killed a dragon. Her body ached and when he looked down there was bloody scratches covering her arms. She could barely feeling anything though, only a faint burn.

"The dragon, there's a dragon!"

"We killed it!"

Cheers roared through the air as the Whiterun guards reveled in their victory if not unshaken with disbelief. But Andromeda felt nothing. For a moment she though she felt Rovven touch her shoulder, but then the touch was gone.

There was the burning sensation, pulsing throughout her body. Her mind was hazy as her vision filled with light. Murmurs filled her ears in a foreign tounge at least that's what her mind told her. Under those strange mummers she heard words, and she understood them. The urged her to stand, to bask in this power she felt.

Power, becuase in your blood your are dragon-"

The light was bright, air funneling around her. She then opened her eyes, the air settling, revealing a now barren dragon corpse.


"What?" she immediate said, turning to the voice.

A Whiterun guard stood before her. Though his face was covered by his helmet, she heard the awe in his voice.

"I can't believe it! You're... Dragonborn..."

She looked down. There were claws. Scales mixed into her skin. Her skin, this didn't seem like her arm. Sensing the new changes, she strenched to see the new weight on her back. Leather wings spread from her back, stirring the air around her.

"Dragonborn! She is the Dragonborn!"

"Shout! Shout!"

The guards around her cheer and yelled. Though she could barely focus, their words rang clearly in her mind. Hearing, seeing, smell, all her senses seemly overwhelmed her as they seemed to sharpen drastically.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed her shoulder. She looked up to seethe Dunmer Housecarl. Unlike everyone else at the watchtower, Irileth show no reaction to Andromeda's sudden change of appearance. Rather she spoke calmly as she gave out orders.

"That was the hairiest fight I've ever been in, and I've been in more than a few. I don't know about this Dragonborn business, but I'm sure glad you're with us. You better get back to Whiterun right away. Jarl Balgruuf will want to know what happened here. I'm taking command here for the moment. You head back to Whiterun and let the Jarl know what happened."

She nodded, not seeing any other obvious option. Irileth nodded back before turning to give her orders to the other guards. Andromeda herself turned away, walking back to the city. However as she walked, she heard the guards talking to Irileth.

"What do you say Irileth? You're being awfully quiet."

"Come on, Irileth, tell us, do you believe in this Dragonborn business?"

She heard Irileth huff, likely in annoyance.

"Some of you would be better off keeping quiet than flapping your gums on matters you don't know anything about. Here's a dead dragon, and that's something I definitely understand. Now we know we can kill them. But I don't need some mythical Dragonborn. Someone who can put down a dragon is more than enough for me..."

While she walked, she tried focusing on getting use to her new wings. They were heavy but she didn't want to drag them either. Just walking was a new experience, feeling the air pull in them lightly. As she approached the city and she saw more people, and with them came their stares. She tightened her wings against herself and resisted covering her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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