Weekend with Yuri - Yuri x Natsuki

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Natsuki decided to stay the night at her girlfriend, Yuri's house. She always agreed to do stuff when it's out of her house. She hated it there...

As she was happily packing for her weekend sleepover, her dad drunkenly walked into her room. "What do you think you're doing?" She froze, terror in her eyes. "I-I'm gonna stay the night a-at a friend's house, p-papa." Her father picked up his empty beer bottle and threw it at Natsuki, shattering all over.

She fell on the floor, whimpering in pain. "I-I'm sorry, papa." He picked up her head by her hair, and punched her in the eye. "You better be damn sorry, little bitch. I gave you this place to live, and you just wanna run off with your little friends?!" He kicked her stomach and slammed her head into the wall. She screamed in agony. She wanted it to stop, she didn't want to be treated like this.

Her father hit her a few more times until he had enough. "Be back Monday after school. If you're late or early, I'll lock you in the basement again." Natsuki quickly nodded. She hated the basement. It was dark and cold and scary. She wanted to behave, be a good girl.

She texted Yuri real quick:
Nat: I'll be there soon...

She limped over to Yuri's house. Luckily it was only a few blocks away. She knocked on the door and waited..

"Ah. Natsuki! Hello." Yuri answered the door and gestured for Natsuki to come in. She limped over into Yuri's arms and broke down in sobs. "Wh-hey? W-what's wrong?" Natsuki told her what happened with her father. "That sick son of a bitch- hey, why don't we get you cleaned up, hun."

Yuri lead Natsuki to the bathroom where she took out a first aid kit and proceeded to treat her cuts and bruises. Natsuki winced slightly at Yuri's touch. It must have still hurt. "We really should report that man to the police. It's not okay, I can't stand seeing you like this." Natsuki kept quiet. She had already accepted that she deserved the abuse she was receiving.

Yuri finished cleaning up Natsuki and kissed her gently on the forehead. Natsuki hugged her. She hugged back. "Hey, Nat it's gonna be okay. We'll get through this, okay?" Natsuki looked her in the eyes. "Y-yeah, we will." She paused. "I love you so much, Yuri. Thank you for letting me stay here. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this.." Yuri shook her head. No no no, Natsuki, it's okay! I'll always be there for you. You'll never ever be a bother to me. Ever." Natsuki smiled and hugged her again. "I love you too, Nat."

They walked together down the hall to Yuri's room where Natsuki sat on her bed, tired. "I haven't slept in days. Papa took my bed so now I have to sleep on the floor or in the basement." Yuri was infuriated. "I can't believe you haven't reported him." She sad down next to Natsuki. "Also, you need sleep." Natsuki yawned. "I think I will.." She lied down and pulled a blanket over herself. Yuri smiled softly and got under the blanket with her. She wrap her arms around the smaller girl. She must have been so tired, she was already sound asleep. Yuri whispered into her ear, "Good night, love." She then drifted to sleep comfortably.

[I hope you somewhat liked this hahah good night I'm going to sleep now]

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