9 | Boy's sleepover (Part 2)

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Next day. Saturday at first hour. The guests of Adrien were waking up including Felix.
—Good morning, everyone.
—How do you sleep?
—Very well. thank you, Adrien, yesterday was sick.
—And I guess you slept excellent, didn't you Felix?
—Of course.
—Do you want to see a movie?
—I'll finish the book I was reading yesterday. —Felix said
—Do you have a collection of movies as big as the video games one?
—No, I have just a few movies. Pick one.

They were watching a movie when Nathalie called them for breakfast.
—I hope you like pancakes. —Nathalie told the boys
—Sure, I like. —Nino said

The boys followed Nathalie to the dining room, and sat down together. Felix went too.
—Are you hungry?
—A little bit. —Nino said
—I am. —Kim said
—Where's my uncle? —Felix asked
—He is coming, but he needed to do something first. —Nathalie answered
—Here is your breakfast. Bon appetit.

—Wait, are this pancakes from... oatmeal? —Kim said
—Yes, Adrien's diet doesn't include flour today.        —Nathalie said
—Crybabies... —Felix said in low voice
—I'm sorry, guys. You know my father... —Adrien said
—Don't worry, the pancakes are delicious.
—And so the orange juice.

Mr. Agreste walked in, where everyone were.
—Good morning, boys. —He said
—Good morning, Mr. Agreste. —The guests said
—Good morning, father. Is good to see you. —Adrien said
—I just came to say, thank you for coming and spend time with Adrien. Although you are noisy and messy, I appreciate your friendship with my son.
—We are happy to have Adrien as a friend, sir. — Nino said and everyone affirmed
—Now, Felix. Come with me. —Gabriel Agreste said

Felix stood up and followed him. They were going outside.
—You have a lovely house, there are things I didn't notice...
—Stop trying to fool me, I know you find my hideout.
—Well, If you ask, It wasn't easy to find but I have to say, I'm really smart.
—What did you see?
—Everything. From your villain place to my aunt in a capsule.
—Listen, I don't want to hurt you, I'm done with teenagers, specially Ladybug and Cat Noir.
—I don't want to fight you either, uncle. But listen, you need to tell Adrien about this.
—Or what?
—I will tell Adrien myself. About my aunt, about you as a dumb villain. He would be devastated knowing that his father doesn't care about him anymore because he is wasting time in something else.
—I love my son! And he loves his mother, he would like her back.
—You have 10 days to tell him then.

Gabriel gave him an evil smile. He made up something.
—Okay, you won, but let's make a deal. I will tell Adrien if you let me akumatize you.
—Aku-what? What's that?
—I mean, if you let me evilize you. I give you powers and you do whatever you want, but you need to face Ladybug and Cat Noir.
—That fools? A piece of cake. It sounds great to me.
—We have a deal then. When you see a black butterfly that's the sign.

When they were figuring out the plan, Adrien's friends were about to go.
Guys, did you post pictures in social media? —Adrien said
—A few, why? —They said
—We didn't invite Tiago, maybe he is angry right now. Don't you think?
—Don't worry, I will talk to him. —Nino said
—Thank you, Adrien. We have a really good time.
—Thank you for coming. This was about you in the first place. —Adrien told Nino
—See you on Monday.

Felix left the house when Adrien was standing here.
—Felix! Where are you going? —Adrien screamed
—Just- don't follow me.

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now