To Hell and Back

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Amalia's P.O.V:


I was being tortured by every single demon known to man. It felt like decades went by while in Hell. I was being whipped, beaten, and forced to torture other souls. I was forced to see the people my brothers and I failed to save. I despised myself and the demons. How I got here was a pretty story. I made a deal with a crossroad demon, to save my brothers' lives. I had discovered a plot that would've killed my brothers. Once they were safe and the deal was made, I had a year to live. That year was up fast and I was killed by hellhounds, torn to pieces. Scratches deep as the ocean trenches, holes the size of the craters on the moon. Thick, crimson blood running into rivers onto a cold floor, watching my brothers cry over my dead body. I was plagued by their broken hearts and crying faces. That was the worst torture of all. Seeing my brothers cry and be heartbroken. That was my own personal hell. That was the only thing that made Hell the worst experience that I've had.

However, something changed one day. I felt like I was being gripped by something. Their hands gripped my shoulders, burning my skin. I blacked out, but woke up in a coffin. I was surprised to see I wasn't burned. I wasn't given the hunter's burial. I was glad, but angry as well. What if I had become a vengeful spirit? As I wondered, it became increasingly harder to breathe. I tried to yell for help but it came out raspy. I was dehydrated and hungry. I banged on the coffin top only resulting in dirt getting in my face. I banged and kicked until I was digging my way out of the ground. I finally reached the surface and gasped as the fresh air filled my lungs. I climbed out and laid on the ground, resting. It hurt to move anything. As I got up, I surveyed my surroundings. The ground I came up from was barren and deserted. There were no trees or bushes and the grass was dead and dry. I looked around trying to find a road, seeing nothing. I chose to go straight ahead until I found a road. Luckily, I did find one. What concerned me was that I had not seen or heard any cars as I walked. I continued down the road until I saw a convenience store. It looked abandoned. I went to the door to open it only to find it locked.

Luckily, I had a flannel shirt on me. I wrapped it around my hand and broke the glass and unlocked the door; good thing there was no alarm. I walked inside and walked straight to the drinks. There were at least 4 water bottles in there. They weren't cold, but it was water and it was something wet to drink. I drank two before I stopped and proceeded to go over to the snacks and grabbed some Twinkies. I ripped the packaging open and stuffed my face. It wasn't enough to fill me up, but it was better than nothing. I was so happy to finally have food and water. Hell was, well, hell. I walked around looking for anything to take with me, as I was looking, I found a bathroom. I went in it and tried to turn on the water. No water came out of the faucet, but if this place was abandoned, it would make sense that there was no water. As I looked up to the mirror, I saw my reflection. My hair was greasy and tangled. My eyes were dark and lifeless and lips were cracked and dry. My skin was paler than normal and I looked thin, but that should be expected since I was dead. I continued to look at my appearance when I saw something on the bathroom wall behind me. I turned around to see dried, black blood covering the wall tiles. What it said scared me, "The dead are alive."

I turned back to the mirror to take off my short sleeve shirt, since I had a tank top underneath. What I saw on my shoulders made me jump. Hand prints burned into my skin, just like when Cas got Dean out of Hell. I knew I felt hands grip me and pull me up. A question came to my mind though, who or what did pull me up? Did Cas pull me up or someone else? I looked at my skin, making sure there was nothing else new. My anti-possession was still there, which was good. I was shocked to see no scars or shreds from the hell hounds. The only scars I had were from the wendigo at Blackwater Ridge and when a frightened civilian had stabbed me with a knife in my collar bone. Suddenly, I was still examining my appearance when a loud, piercing ring rang out. I covered my ears and dropped down to my knees, grunting in pain. The glass in the store shattered into millions of pieces. Once it stopped, I uncovered my ears. I felt liquid run down from my ears to my neck. My ears bled from the frequency of the ring. This is how Dean explained what happened to him with Cas. So, it was definitely an angel that pulled me up. I sighed and stood up. I need to figure out where I am and fast. Hopefully, I can find a phone so I can call Dean and Sam. The writing on the wall concerned me though. What did it mean that the dead are alive? Was this another trick and I'm still in Hell or did I wake up in a horror film?

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