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Disclaimer: Percy Jackson and Harry Potter along with other characters from those series belong to Rick Riordan and J.K Rowling respectively. I only own the story plotline. 

Percy Jackson is an enigma. 

His life has been split into two halves since he was twelve years of age. I am sure that you know about how he defeated the minotaur outside camp borders, how he retrieved Zeus's lightning bolt when he was only twelve. He conquered the sea of monsters and retrieved the golden fleece that saved Thalia when he was thirteen. He saved Lady Artemis and held the sky when he was fourteen. He traveled the labyrinth when he was fifteen and he leads his friends to victory in the war against the titans when he was sixteen. There was also that underwater kiss and blue brick cake to remember. A few months after he meant missing, he lumbered for months before losing his memories and going to Camp Jupiter. He united the two camps and set sail to Greece on the Argo II with his six other friends. They won the Giant war with only the loss of Leo but that doesn't matter he comes back anyway with a new girlfriend. 

Now, most of these quests happen in the summer. What does he do year-round? He goes to a school of course. But not just any school, he goes to the most prestigious school of Ilvermorny, the school of WItchcraft and Wizardry of North America.

His friends at camp do not know about wizards and the witches and wizards do not know about the demigods. Not too much anyway. The MACUSA (The magical congress of the United States of America) knows bits and pieces about the goddess who blessed them with their magical abilities and the gods know about Hecate's pet world that has spread in Europe and North America.

He is one of the very few who is part of both worlds. Sometimes, he gets torn between the two worlds but until now he has been able to manage. 

He got his letter when he was ten. A snow-white owl with black specs pecked at their window on his tenth birthday. His mom was very excited and a little sad. Although he couldn't figure out why then. They immediately got his supplies of the first-year classes from MMM (Magical Madness Mall) in New York. They then used a portkey to get to the school and Percy was in line to be sorted. The four houses of Ilvermorny are the Horned Serpent, Thunderbird, Wampus, and Pukwudgie. 

When his turn came he had nervously stepped onto the Gordian Knot. Instantly the thunderbird had carving beat its wings, the Horned Serpent carving's forehead glowed, the Wampus carving had roared and the Pukwudgie carving had raised its arrow. He was chosen by all four houses of Ilvermorny.

This had elicited quite a few gasps of shock and hushed whispers among his peers. A professor had then explained that the responsibility to choose the house he would be in until he graduated was up to him. All the eyes in the hall had stared at him expectantly wondering which one he would pick. The last time all houses had chosen a person, she had picked to be in the Horned Serpent. 

Percy had pondered why the horned Serpent would choose because in all of his No-Maj schools he attended beforehand when his mother was not sure if he was a wizard or not, he had scolded for his stupidity, dyslexia, and inability to concentrate. He had already been expelled from three different No-Maj schools so he had thought that he cannot fit in with the scholars of the horned Serpent. The Pukwudgie house had seemed more for healers and he liked helping others but it didn't quite draw him in so much. The real choice was between Wampus- the house of warriors and Thunderbird- the house of adventurers. 

In the end, he decided that even though warriors are cool, he himself had more of a soul of an adventurer. That's right he picked the Thunderbird house. 

Looking back now, in his seventh year of school, he couldn't help but be amused at the irony that he is in the Thunderbird house based on the magical creature itself who could fly and create storms when he himself would be blasted out of the sky with lightning if he so much as tried to fly as high as the clouds. 

After being sorted, all the first years had gathered in the basement to be given their chosen wands. An expert wandmaker Thiago Quintana had helped them out with that. His own wand was made up of Dogwood and the wand core was of a White river monster spine. 

He had gone on to flourish in the art of wizardry and magic. He was one of the top students in Ilvermorny and the hero of Olympus. Let's see if he can succeed in keeping the two worlds apart. What will happen when he is one of the two chosen to represent his school in Hogwarts? 


Author's note-

Please comment on whether I should write this story further or if it is plain boring.

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