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You had come to this place as a pit stop with your Uncle, the main goal being Tokyo. Though you didn't want to make any more stops, all you wanted was to get to your destination but you couldn't help yourself. All the little shops were practically calling your name. Since you traveled a lot, you didn't carry much with you. All you had was a hefty book bag filled with clothes and other necessities, it was rarely ever full. And yet...

You groaned as you struggled to stuff your brand new souvenirs in your bag. It was practically over spilling, the zippers stretched out so far that it seemed that it would break any second. Your eyes were slammed shut, you started to breathe out in heavy puffs. "Come on!!" you exclaimed, finally zipping up your bookbag.

You didn't dare to look but you still opened your eyes and smiled at your closed backpack. The feeling didn't last for long before the bag tore from the inside out, all of the contents spilling onto the park bench and grass. You let out a string of curses as you bent down to pick everything up. "Great...just great." you sighed, looking at your lap. "I just had to give into my indulgence."

"Hey," you perked up and looked upward towards the young voice. Above you was a young-looking man. You squinted your eyes to see him more clearly. He had pink hair and onyx eyes, not to mention he was kinda tall. He extended his arm out, his pale, longhand in front of you. "Do you need any help?"

You took his hand without any hesitation and silently thanked him. His eyes wandered from your flushed face to your stuff spiraled on the floor. "Whoa, what happened here?"

You glanced over your shoulder, your flushed cheeks returning back to normal. "Oh," you started. "I tried to put my stuff back in my bag but it basically exploded." you let out a strained laugh, trying to make light out of your situation.

The boy frowned but quickly looked you in the eye with a happy grin. "Lemme help you clean up."

"Oh you don't need to-" but it was too late. He was already on his knees, picking up your stuff before you could say anything else. You sighed and knelt down, picking up whatever he didn't grab yet.

"You had a lot of stuff in there, huh?" he notes, his hand moving to a pile of your clothes. "Where do you keep your school books in here?"

You shook your head, "I'm not in school actually."


"Yeah, I'm actually going to an academy in Toyko but I'm on break for now." you answered, "Are you in school as well?"

The boy nods eagerly, "Yup, I'm a first-year."

Same here. you thought to yourself as you stuffed the rest of your stuff in your bookbag. You tried to hold it up without spilling everything out again but you failed. You barely managed to catch up if it wasn't for the boy. With his swift reflexes, he caught it without breaking a sweat. You whistled at him, making him peek up. "Nice catch, pinky."

He rose a brow, "Pinky?"

"I mean yeah. Your hair is pink and I don't really know your name so. Do you not like it?"

"Oh no, I just don't think I've ever heard someone call me pinky before..." he trailed off as he caught a really good look at you. You followed his eyes and smirked, stepping a little closer to him. You slyly grabbed your belongings from his hands. His eye widens in surprise, a small gasp leaving his lips.

"Thanks for the help, tough guy." you popped a squat and dropped the rest in your bag, heaving it back up as you back on your feet. You looked over your shoulder and bid the boy fair well and walked towards the park entrance. The boy, Yuuji Itadori didn't take his eyes off of you as he watched you walked away. A small blush painted his cheeks, he couldn't get over the way you looked. 

Your dark skin, poofy dark brown afro that shaped your face all so well. Not to mention your fat ass that was actually shaped like a thick heart.

Yuuji slapped his cheeks cutely after his hormonal thought. Dude, get it together! he turned on his heel as he kept slapping his cheeks but stopped in his tracks when he saw a pink pouch laying a few feet away from him. He quickly picked it up and opened the bag.

What he saw made him burst into a sea of red.

Inside were numerous pairs of lacy panties rolled up or squashed inside. He swiftly closed the pouch, "What the hell?!" he exclaimed. He slapped his hand over his mouth because of the immediate stares that came his away. He looked around frantically for anyone who looked like it belonged to them before you popped up in his mind.

By now you were half a block away from the park to the nearest store for a new bag. Your mind was focused on the possibilities of a new bag that you didn't even hear him trying to call you as he ran up to you. It was completely awkward because he didn't know your name so he just kept saying, "Miss!" over and over again.

He caught up to you pretty quickly, maybe a little too quickly because he crashed right into you. You groaned as you hit the hard sidewalk ground, swiftly turning to him with a frown. "Dude what the hell- uh?" your frown dispersed when you realized it was him. "Pinky?"

Yuuji grabbed his head in pain with his two hands, "Ouchouchouchouchouch!" you just watched him childishly whine in front of you and you couldn't help but laugh. He stopped once he heard your giggles and stared at you starstruck. You calmed down when you didn't hear his whines anymore. "So, why did you body slam me again?" you asked nonchalantly.

"I- uh-" he stuttered, grabbing the pink pouch and shoving it in your chest. "You forgot this at the park!"

You rose a brow and opened the pouch, your eyes widening at its contents. You awkwardly looked up at Yuuji and handed back the pouch.

"Uh, this isn't mine."

𝐐𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 '𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋, y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now