Chapter 5

13 1 0

Dans P.O.V

Dear god.

How did I get in this mess. Right now i'm in a shoping cart with Phil prepared to push me. my hand stuck out ready to grab everythin we needed for the house

"3....2....1 GO "

Phil starts pushing the cart and high speed with me grabing as much food as I can missing close to nothing as cans and bags falling all over me. We finaly get to the end of the isle I jump out of the cart and Phil jumps in grining like a mad man doing that cute thing he does when he sticks his tounge out the corner of his mouth. wait. NO. Bad dan he is friend no more non-friendly thoughts about him I really need to stop before it gets out of hand.

" Ready "

" Yeah "

I start pushingthe cart full speed down the next isle Phil pushing things in his lap. Cans bags boxes even a 2 litter soda bottle. As we approch the end of the isle I spot something at still going full speed I cant make out what it is. Finaly I hear a groan and I know exactly what it is. I stop the cart as fast as I can, Phil turns around and looks at me confused I look around to see there's a ton of them in front of us and behind us Phil follows my eyes while slowly pulling out his katana I have my gun aimed and ready to shoot. As they start to close in on us I tell Phil to follow my lead.

We grab as much food as we can and put it in our backpacks then I climb a shelf to the very top of it. Phil follows me up the shelf when he stops I look down to see one of the things scratched his leg. as fast as I can I shoot the creature and pull Phil up, I take a look at his leg to see its bleeding a lot I have to think fast so he won't bleed out.

I look at the ceiling I'm tall enough to reach it if I can only. I stand up and move one of the tiles I check the inside to see if it's clear of any bugs, animals or creatures there's nothing it's Barron of any life. I grab Phil and put him in the space before climbing in myself when I do I look through both our backpacks for something anything in his I find bandages and a thermos with water I pour the water on the scratch and bandage it. Then I put everything away and start to cry knowing I can't do anything and all that's left now is to wait wait if it works.

I stay up for hours watching him until finally I dose off into a dream less sleep and right before I fall asleep I think one thing I'm defiantly in love with my best friend.
Hey I know I haven't updated in a while but I'm going to try and I'm probably going to edit the other chapters so look out and in going to try to make chapters longer this one has 500 and check out my new merome story social status okay bye >_<

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 18, 2015 ⏰

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