complicated love

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Kathy's POV

"bye mom, i'm off to school now"

"bye baby, be careful"

"i will" then i closed the door. i get in the car and my driver drove.

I'm Kathy Lewis by the way. hmmmm. How will I describe myself? *think*think*think*

Oh! i give up. I'm just a normal person like you. There's nothing special about me. And my background. It will be a secret for now. You'll just have to wait.

Back to the story...

I'm at school now and......what a view!!!!!!!!!!!

I just saw my ultimate crush who is also one of my few friends here, none other than Dylan Scott. A very good way to start the morning.

OMG!!!! He's smiling at me!!!! xD

I could die right now. joke only!!! i got out from my car to say "hi!" to him and then someone bumped me and wrapped her arms on Dylan. My great morning became my worst morning.

That's Erika Lee by the way. She's also a friend of Dylan. Unlike other heartthrobs Dylan is friendly and will smile and talk to you even if he doesn't know. That's the reason why he had so many fans and very popular in this school.


"oh! Kyle.goodmorning"

Kyle's POV


"oh! Kyle.goodmorning"

"Good Morning!"

Hi Everyone. I'm Kyle Spencer. As you can see I'm a friend of Kathy but little did she know that I have a huge crush on her. Eversince we were little I liked her so much but she likes somebody. But I will not give up. 

"Shall we go Kathy?"


I know that Kathy has a crush on Dylan, that's why she's acting this way. Everytime that she will saw him, it's like she couldn't see anybody but him. That's what really hurts me the most. I just wish that she can see me like she can see Dylan. (*sigh*)

"What's the matter Kyle? Looks like you're weighing something heavy."

It's you. You. that's always on my mind.

I would like to tell her that but I don't have the guts. (*sigh*)

"It's nothing. I'm just thinking that when will I would see my family again. and you know that I mean both of them together, not just my mom or my dad"

"There, There Kyle. If only I know what to say"

I know that you're probably thinking that my parents are divorced or something like that, I'm telling you that you're wrong. They are just persons who are really, really busy at work that they never come home. I would be lucky to talk to them in 5 minutes and even luckier to see them in person.

All my life I've lived without my parents. But I have a butler who takes care of me like his own child. I even thought that he was my dad. When I call him that he laughed so loud and told me that he ia nothing more than my butler.

I think I've said too much. Back to the present.

Me and Kathy are walking now to our classroom. I'm so happy right know that I couldn't hide my smile.

Kathy's POV

Here we go again. I forgot to mention that Kyle was a very popular person here. Everytime he smiles like that, the girls wouldn't stop staring at him. Sometimes I would like to him in my bag when his smiling like that. Don't get me rong but I'm just being a goo Bestfriend to him.

"Morning Kyle, Kathy"

OMG. It's Dylan. What do I do?

"Good Morning too, Dylan" Kyle and I said in chorus.

"You know what, you two really look good together" said Erika

If looks could kill, Erika would be dead by now. Dylan just look down and Kyle flashes his killer smile again.

"Excuse me guys, I'll go ahead. I have a lot of things to do." said Dylan

"Dylan wait for me" said Erika

OMG. Does he think that me and Kyle are an item? I conclude that this is the worst day of my life. T_T


Kathy's POV

gym class.....

I'm really not on a good mood right now because of what happen earlier. So I let it out on my favorite sport, Volleyball. Everytime I touch the ball it turns into a point. But the downside is my arms are already bruises. At least I can let out my anger.

the game ended and what do you expect? We won!

"okay, class dismissed. Kathy can I talk to you for a minute?" coach

"What is it, Ma'am?"

"I'm inviting you to join the volleyball team."

"You know why I can't Ma'am. Besides I'll only play to have fun. Goodbye Ma'am"

Then I go to the locker room to take a shower and go to my next class. I'm completely aware why I can't join any sports. But everytime she asks me to join the varsity, it's like someone stabbed me to the heart.

Let me tell you something about me. The reason why I'm here and away from my parents is that I'm only here for my medication. By the way, the one that I call Mom is not my real mom, she's my Nanny.

"Kathy? are you still there? we'll just go to the canteen to buy drinks." said Rome. she's my bestfriend and she's the only one who knows about my background here. 

"You guys go ahead"

"Are you sure? Is there anything you want?"

"I'm fine Rome. You guys can go, I'll meet you guys in the room"

"Okay if say so. But text me if you need......something" she knows my condition that's why she's that persistent.

After 10 minutes or so. I'm finished and on my way out when somebody bumped me.

"Sorry Kathy"

"It's okay. I'm the one who appear out of nowhere" *huge smile*

"Even so, I'm sorry."

Are you curious why I didn't get mad?

It's because... the one who bumped me is Dylan. *a very huge smile*

And now, where walking side by side. There's no way my bad mood is still there. It's been replaced by a very, very, very, Good mood.

Nothing happened much in the afternoon. But still, I can't forget our meeting earlier.

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