A good morning ;)

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Hey guys! Sorry for not posting for a month lol. If you haven't you need to read the first part. It's just called Soph and Avery 🤠🤠

Avery POV:

I woke up this morning in so much pain. Jesus, I didn't realise falling off a roof would hurt this bad. Soph's on top of me, she looks very cute sleeping. I wonder what her dreams are about. Am I in them? She looks like she's sleeping very deeply. I have a bad headache and my back hurts like hell. I gently rolled Soph on her back and got off the bed. I walked to the bathroom and reached up to a high shelf. I don't know why anyone would but a medicine cabinet so high. I got a bottle and took it out also knocking another bottle on my head. I rubbed my head as I read the back. the writing is too small and I don't want to get my glasses, oh well, i guess i'll take whatever this is. I'm pretty sure I don't have anything dangerous in here so I should be fine. I took two pills and swallowed them with some water. I went back to the bed and scrolled on my phone, resting on Soph's chest. Soon I felt her wake up. I looked up to her and gave her a gentle kiss.

"good morning baby" I said "morning bub" she replied yawning. "How are you feeling?" She asked. "About as good as anyone would after they fell off a roof" I replied. "Same here. Even though I was on top of you it still hurt." She said. I got up and made us both some coffee because I was feeling very tired.  I ordered some food to get delivered and sat on the couch. I turned on the tv and started watching whatever was on. I'm kinda worried about liv and Christian. Maybe we should leave Florida for awhile. Yeah. I think we should. We can call it a ✨holiday✨.  But I think I should probably tell Soph first.

"Hey soapy woapy.." I said
"What? Why did you call me soapy woapy?" She asked.
"Would you like to maybe.. like.. leave Florida with me for awhile?  Just until all this drama with Liv and Christian and Peyton settles down." I asked cautiously
"Hmm.. I guess that could be smart."
She replied
"GREAT!!  We're leaving tomorrow it's a road trip." I yelled
"Ok calm down baby" she said.
"Where are we going?" Soap asked
"I don't know. We can figure that out on the road!"


Still Avery POV:

I woke up at 4.30am because I'm so excited to go on a road trip with Soph. I made me some coffee and then another and then I went to a store because I want snacks for on the road.  By the time I got back it was about 5.47am so I shook soap awake then when she wouldn't move I picked her up and put her in the car and gave her a pillow.  Then I spun a bottle to see which direction I would go in and then I got in the car and started driving. After about an hour Soph woke up again.

"Baby I'm ready for coffee" she said
"Just have the rest of mine" I suggested
"Ok but that will only keep me up for 5 minutes" she said
"Ok, I will go to Starbucks for you ma'lady" I replied. I'm supper I excited and restless right now. Ugh I can't wait to do whatever we want to do. I pulled into the Starbucks drive thru and ordered Soph drink and one for me obviously.

I've been driving for a few hours and right know we are in the middle of no where. We were jamming out to some songs when a stray dog ran out on the road. I stopped the car suddenly and got out. I walked up to the dog and held out my hand. It sniffed it then licked it.
"Well hello little doggy" I said to it.
Then Soph came out and did the thing with her hand. I want to keep it sooooooo bad. I checked to see it's gender and it's a boy.

"Can we keep him?" I asked
"Hmmm. Well I guess it would be mean to just leave this poor doggy outside on its own. But it would be a big responsibility. And you don't even live in Florida. But I guess I want it so... yes!"
We were jumping around the dog when I heard a crash. Fuck. Someone just crashed into my car.  Well maybe I shouldn't have left it in the middle of the road but who the fuck would not see it?"

Then I realised I should probably help the driver. They could be hurt. I ran up to the door and pulled him out. He looked to be about 15 years old.  I just looked at both of our wrecked cars. Then I noticed sirens. They were probably chasing this kid. Then I feel my body heat up and look to the cars and they are on fire. Fucking shit.

Hello again. Umm yes.🙂

Soph and Avery part 2Where stories live. Discover now