Chapter 5

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Sana's POV
After being taking home by Hejin, I immediately ran to the room and cried remembering the incident earlier when I was in the toilet until night.

Why did he do that?
He already knows that I'm not ready to do 'it' even though we've been dating for a long time. And,why would he suddenly be in school if he told me that he was sick?


"Sana unnie, let's go home?"
"Wait Mina, i need to go to the toilet.You can go home first with Momo. I'll be able to go home by taxi."

"You sure? What if something bad happen to you?" Momo said.
"That's possible, Momo. I'll fine."
"No but Momo-yah~ Bye guyss~"
I pushed both of them so they go home and I can go to do my business.
But, suddenly..

"Sana! Babe!"
Eh? Why is he here? Didn't he said he was sick?
"Why are you here?"
"Follow me."
He took my hand and drag me to go somewhere.
But it turns out at...toilet?

"Uh..babe, why did you bring me here? I was going to the toilet earlier but why are you-"

He cut my words and kiss me.
Of course, I kissed him back because we're dating, right? And gradually the kisses started to go to my neck I let out a slight moan because of that. Without realizing it, he left a hickey on my neck,and one of his hands began to touch the lower part of my stomach and it made me angry.

swing his hand from that part and pull my self away.

"Oh my God,Bambam! Wtf are you doing!? You can kiss me on my lips and I'm okay with that, but you can't leave a hickey on my neck! And you want into my pants? What would I say to my parents if they saw this,huh!? And you know I'm not ready for do 'it'! What's on your mind!?"

I slapped him while scream and burst into tears.

"I-i'm Sorry,babe. I-i also don't know why I did that even though I already know that you're not ready to do it."

He tried to touch me but I didn't let him.

"D-don't touch me. E-explain to me now, w-why you're like this!"
"Okay. I lied to you that I was sick. I-i actually go with my friends for..uh..f-for.."

I raised my eyebrows at him.
"For w-what?"
"For...a bet. A-anyone who already has a girlfriend, and his girlfriend is still a virgin,t-they should do-"
I cut his word and slapped him once again.

I fell down because my legs were weak and I didn't know what to do with him because of that. H-he did that just for the bet? A bet to take someone's virginity? What kind of bet is that?

"L-leave me alone,please."
He kneel down in front of me.
"B-babe, I'm so sorry. Please, forgive me.." Seriously? After he did all that to me and he hopes that we are still dating? Is he dumb or what?

"No. I-i think w-we should break up."

"W-what want to broke up with me? You k-kidding,right? Your joke isn't good,Babe. T-tell me if that's not tru-"

"IT'S TRUE, BAMBAM IT'S TRUE! I can't continued our relationship because of YOU! I-if you don't do that, m-maybe this not happen. So,please..leave me alone now.."

He cried but not so hard like me and he doesn't say anything, and he finally left. But even though he's gone, I'm still here and crying because of that incident.
After few minutes, Hejin came to help me without I realize.

*Flashback end*

Oh God, I hope he doesn't do something bad happen to me I broke up with him.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and after that I grab my pajamas and went to the bed.

'And now, I'm single again :)'

Good night, world~


Hejin's POV:
I woke up from my sleep and stretched my body a little. I looked at the calendar near my alarm clock and it's Sunday? So, that means I'm not going to school?Ahh..the day I've been waiting to relax from studying and, no schoolwork.
Should I go to sleep again? Nono.
I went to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Should I take a shower? But I'm not going anywhere. Uhm fine, I'll just take a shower.
Who knows if someone asks me out for a walk, right?
After finishing the shower, I went out and put on my clothes,and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Morning my two lovely oppa~"
I hugged both of them and kissed them on the cheek when they were in the kitchen preparing breakfast for us.

"Morning lil sist, how's your sleep? Have a nice dream or 'something' dream?"
Tae oppa chukle while wiggle her eyebrows at me.
"Morning too, and what the question it is? It's still in the morning oppa,and nope. I didn't dream about anything because I slept too well."

"Is that so? Okay,I trust you~ Now,,here's your pancakes,Hejin-ah~"
He put 3 slices of pancakes on the plate in front of me, and I ate them. I love my two brothers. They're always there to comfort me when I have problems at school or with my friends,or with my ex-girlfriend when we have fight.
If you curious who's that, she's a girl.

Her name is Rose. She's now lives in Australia since I decide to broke up with her 2 years ago because she would be arrange married with someone else by her parents. Poor my Rose. She's too young for getting married.
I actually couldn't break up with her,but because she didn't want to hurt my heart anymore, so she chose to leave and broke up with me. I can accept that eventhough a little hard for me to let her go from my life. But now, I already mov-

"Hey Hejin-ah, you okay? Why are you suddenly spaced out after eating Taehyung's pancakes? Yahh Taehyung-ah, looks like she likes your pancakes more than me.

"I think so too~"
Heechul oppa glare his eyes to him while chukle.
"U-uh..yes oppa,your pancakes is the best pancakes i ever eat. And Heechul oppa, your pancakes is good too."
I give the two of them a thumbs up while smiling and continuing to eat.

"Hejin-ah, I wanna tell you something."

"What is it?" I still eating while scrolling my social media on my phone.

"You're alone here from now."
I suddenly choked and Taehyung oppa give me a glass of water.
"But why?? What I'm doing here if both of you aren't here? This house isn't fun without you two, you know."
I pout and Heechul oppa tapped my back and say.

"Me with my members will be practice and prepare for our world tour concert. And Taehyung will move to his dorm together with his members because they already debut.
I cut his words,
"T-thaeyung oppa, already d-debut? Oh my God! Congrats oppa~" I hug him.

"Why you don't tell me if you're already debut,huh? And, what's your boygrup name? Is your friends or your members are handsome?"
I asked him a lot of questions.
"The name is BTS. Yes they're handsome just like me. And wait, I thought you're gay~?"

He teased me with a smile like an idiot and wiggle his eyebrows.
"I'm just asking okay, and you know if Im not interesting with boys."
"You're too honest,sis."
He laughing after said that.
"Of course, I am."
I chukle and continued for eat my pancakes.

To be continued...

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