l still love you.

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Kbreezo picked up his cloths and went to the hotel where Ciara and her parents were staying so he could stay there.

(Don't ask me where Derek and the others coz they went back home so Kbreezo is alone with Ciara)

Kbreezo - hey Ciara.

Ciara - hey bestie.

kbreezo'z thoughts:

l can't this anymore  l can't she's the love of my life and now she's calling me bestie it hurts .
End of thoughts.

Kbreezo - how are you doing?

Ciara - good just posted on tiktok .

Kbreezo  - cool can l Make one with you.

Ciara - yeah sure. can we make the one l saw you using which song was it .

Kbreezo - you mean obsessed with me.

Ciara - Yeah  that one.

After the made a tiktok they decided to watch movies and then Ciara suggest for them to put on music and dance they had much fun.As they were dancing kbreezo got lost in the moment forgetting that Ciara lost her memory and kissed her what surprised him was that Ciara returned the kiss .

They kisses for like five minutes then Ciara pulled away.

Ciara - l'm sorry l didn't mean that.

kbreezo - why are you saying sorry I'm the one supposed to apologise not you.

Ciara's thoughts::

l might kissed you by mistake but l liked it and l don't know why l get this feeling that we were more than friends but you don't want to say it.
End of thoughts.

Ciara - do you wanna tell me something breezo.

Kbreezo - no why do you say that.

Ciara - no- nothing where's mom and dad .

Kbreezo - They have went for shopping.

Ciara - so we are home alone.

kbreezo - l guess .

Ciara - so do have a girlfriend or something.

Kbreezo - yeah.

Ciara - what ?

kbreezo - l mean l had one but now she doesn't remember me.

Ciara - oh sorry so can l be your girlfriend just got some moments untill your girlfriend remembers you.

kbreezo - wha- what?

Ciara - so- sorry it's okay if. you don't want.

kbreezo - no no it's okay. Well l will be glad .

Ciara - yes great so I'm your girlfriend now right.

Kbreezo - yes.

kbreezo thoughts::

you might have forgotten me but you still love and l can feel that.l feel that you have feeling for me and just know l still love you babes.
End of pov.

Ciara - so when are you taking me out?

Kbreezo - tommorow for now let's sleep.

Ciara - so our first date is tomorrow.

Kbreezo - talking like the twentieth.

Ciara - what did you say?

Kbreezo - nothing l meant to say yes.

Ciara - okay so are you gonna kiss me or what.

kbreezo- yes of course.

kbreezo leans close and kisses you.

kbreezo'z thoughts::
l will take you out tommorow in all of the places we went to so that you could remember me because l want to marry you as soon as possible l don't want to lose you again.

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