Chapter 1: Duty

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Today a war was going on, not just a war between Countries but a war against beasts,big heartless and dangerous beasts Known and called 'werewolves'. Men were separated from their families to fight off these beasts.

There was a secret also a story of new beginnings, loss and betrayal.

Mia and Dustin loved each other dearly,they had been together two years now. Mia was a shy girl, a girl who came from a dark and broken background. Dustin brought her out of those shadows that she had lost herself in and showed her the light.
With each passing day their love grew stronger.

However one day when a army truck pulled up and the general started to call out the names of the new recruits Dustin was one of the names called out, he knew what this meant, he knew this day would come but to him it came way to soon.
He held Mia in his arms and kissed her ever so gently on top of her head.She was trembling in his arms, his shirt clutched in her fists. He could hear her quiet cries, his shirt was wet with her tears. He tightened his hold on her and whispered sweet words to her to try and comfort her.

Dustin-" Just close your eyes and you will see mine, look up to the stars every night and know I'm looking up at those same ones. I love you."

He removed her hands from his shirt and her mum held her. He made the mistake of turning back to see her one last time.He seen her begging him to not go, she fell to her knees now weak to even stand. He tensed up at the sight now torn between his duty and his Mia.Dustin walked through the dark woods, he knew what was about to happen next and he knew that he had to do this. It was his duty.

Werewolves came out of nowhere, they attacked viciously and with no mercy. The humans had no chance. They were falling and falling fast. Dustin watched the scene infront of him unfold into something ugly.
He seen the big black werewolf that was standing and watching him from behind a tree. The wolve's eyes turned a glowing yellow meaning he was mind linking (communicating).

Dustin heard footsteps approaching from behind him, he turned to see the general again.

General-"it's time my friend, time for you to go home."

Dustin-" But what if I found a new home?"

The general knew that Dustin was not speaking of a place but more of the human lady he had left behind, all the general could do was offer Dustin a sad smile shaking his head not knowing what to say.
While the humans were busy fighting off this ambush Dustin turned into his werewolf, breaking all his bones in his body for the first time in years and followed after the Alpha's wolf ( the big black wolf).

Yes the secret is that werewolves are real and they have been living amongst the humans learning their strengths and weaknesses, Dustin is a werewolf . But has he shared this secret with Mia or was he loyal to his duty and pack ?

When they returned back to the pack house they shifted into their human forms and put on the shorts that were always kept behind the trees.

Dustin-" Alpha Ace," he lowered his head to his Alpha as a sign of respect.

The Alpha did the same retuning his respect.

Ace-" My friend you have finally returned after so long, I thought you would of returned much sooner."

Dustin looked at him and gave a sad smile . Knowing he was about to tell one of his childhood friends, Alpha and practically brother that he wished to return back to the human lands, not just that but also he was about to leave his Beta position because right now he was only thinking of his Mia and holding her in his arms.
Ace told him they would speak in his office and lead the way.Ace had seen many emotions in Dustin eyes but he mostly read pain, not physical pain but more emotional more heartache.

When they got into the office Ace turned to look at Dustin and spoke....
Ace -" Dustin what is it my brother? You seem so down and very unhappy about having to return home. I was expecting the complete opposite actually but now this," he gestured to him " you the way you look, it pains me. Dustin you my brother you know you can tell me anything. I thought you would be happy to return to your duties as my Beta, to return to your friends and family and even hopefully find your mate."

When Dustin heard the word 'mate' he felt so much fear, he did not want to find his mate because he did not know if he could be able to love her, but most importantly he was not sure if he could ever let Mia go or allow another to love him.

Dustin told Ace everything, everything about the humans and then everything about Mia . He told him about his love for her and that she isn't a bad human. He showed him a picture and when Ace seen the picture he could not deny that Mia was indeed very beautiful and something inside his stirred.

Ace-" We will find a way to fix this, you have my word. But for now just get some rest you had a busy day and just returned."

When Dustin left the room, he forgot his picture of Mia. Ace looked at her again and he felt his wolf stir from within him,he just ignored it and placed the picture back down and left the room needing to go out for a run.

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