Yandere Howl request

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Im so so so so sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy it. This was request by:



I ran through the door, panting. I couldn't stand and watch what he did to my 'date' like I would normally do. I was already so scared. I got to a random room in the college building and slammed the door shut. I felt to the ground panting. "Huff. He should be finished soon." I sighed and got up. Walking through the room. It was my classroom. Perfect. I got my bag. I had left it in it while my 'date' practically dragged me out. That's why Howl is...taking care of him. I suddenly heard a knock on the door. I jumped out of my skin but Howl came through. I let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me Howl." I laughed and he smiled. Walking over. He of course had blood on him. "Sorry to frighten you. I just had to find you. You ran away. You don't normally do that." I let out a shakey laugh.

"Sorry. It was already scary with him dragging me out of the classroom. I wanted him dead but I was already scared shitless I couldn't see you kill the boy." He nodded and opened his arms. I smiled and walked over hugging him tightly. I really didn't care that he had blood all over him. "You're safe now." I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me tightly. We stayed there for a while until we heard a loud scream. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" We looked at each other then laughed. "We should probably go before we get questioned for being at school." He nodded. He went over to the window and opened it. I got my bag and walked over. He grabbed ahold of my waist. "Ready??" I nodded.

He jumped out and we walked across the air. Walking down outside of the college. He sets me down. "Let us get back home." I nodded. We needed to clean him up. I grabbed his sleeve. He looked back at me confused. "Wait. We need to at least clean you off the best we can." His eyes widened and he nodded. We sat down on the bench just a bit away from the college. I opened my bag and got out my stuff to clean as much blood of him as I can. After the best I can. I gave him a mint. "Here. Can't let Markl faint from the blood oda. And Your deodorant." He took them and slipped the mint in his mouth and sprayed himself.  We got up and continued our walk. We finally got to our shop. Which is actually our home. I open the door and he goes in straight to the bathroom.

"Markl!!! Can you make up a pot of tea?!" Markl cam running down. "Yup!! You get yourself nice and comfy, (Y/N)." I giggled and rushed upstairs into mine and Howl's shared bedroom. I grabbed him a pair of clothes. I went to the bathroom door and knocked. Going in. I closed the door behind me and placed the clothes on the side. Howl was having a nice bath. Well. If you like blood coloured bath water. "Ahh. Thank you, love. I'll be out soon." I giggled and nodded. Placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Markl is making us some tea. So I'll make up a little snack with it." He nodded. "Thank you again." I left the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I went back into the bedroom and got changed in my pjammers.

I went down the stairs and Markl had put placed us our cuppa tea's on the table. "Cal. Let me cook will ya?" He appeared at the fire place. "Of course of course Will you be cooking eggs?" I rolled my eyes and grabbed the pan and a basket. "Sorry. Not today. Tomorrow I'll be cooking breakfast so you'll be able to have the egg shells." I put the pan on the fire place and Calcifer began to let me cook. I took my already peeled potatoes and put a few in the ban. Crushing them to make mash. We don't really have a lotso I put some cheese in it with onion and finishing mashing it. I got three chicken pieces. (I don't know what they're called XD.)

And then cooked some chips into another pan. After cooking everything I put them on three plates and put them on the table. Howl comes down and sits on the table Markl and I sat down afterwards. "Let's dig in!!" We all smiled and ate the dinner. Having mini talks in between.


And now your request has been made!! I hope you didn't mind the wait. I hope you enjoy!!

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