What The...

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Disclaimer: I don't own Inazuma eleven or you!

Takes place in the Go series! Enjoy!

Your POV
It is was quiet. I couldn't help but sigh in content at the peacefulness. Sadly that didn't last long.

"(Y/N)! Hurry up or your going to be late!" My brother shouted up the stairs, disturbing my peace and quiet.

"I know I know!" I hollered back at him. Huffing, I slipped off my bed and made my way down stairs figuring I was already up and ready for the day.

"About time" My brother sighed.

"Oh shut up Akio....." I retorted. He waved the insult off and resumed his task.

"Let's go or your going to be late for practice, Kidou won't like that...." Akio stood up and walked out the door to the car.

"Ya ya I know..." I sighed following him.

~Time Skip brought to you by Baby Penguins~

I growled as I stepped out of the car, my brother following suit.

"Akio do I really have to go?" You looked to your brother. He only smirked and pushed you towards the field.

"Yes, now go. Oh and some of my old team is stopping by tonight. Don't do anything reckless." Fudou waved to Kidou or as I now call him Kidou Kantoku.....

"Nice to see you again Fudou...is this your sister?" Kidou looked at me but I only turn my head to the side.

"Yes, from now on she'll be...." Fudou went to reply but I cut him off.

"Can we just get this over with already?" I snarled walking towards the field.

"She's like you when you where younger Fudou. Don't worry I'll bring her home." Kidou chuckled. Fudou nodded and walked away.

"Commander who's she?" One of the boys looked at me then to Kidou.

"My name is (F/N) Fudou. Pleased to meet you all. I'm here as a manager for the team." The words tasted like poison on my tongue as they rolled off it and out of my mouth.

"Correct. Now resume practice." Kidou...I mean Commander ordered.

~Time Skip , after practice~

"Sakuma, (F/N) lets go." Kidou-San shouted. Both of us ran after him and I ignored both men the whole way home, staring out the window. I didn't want to even be manager in the first place but since it was either this or get expelled I didn't have any other choice. Eventually the car came to a hault and I jumped out. Grabbing my key I unlocked and opened the door only to be greeted by a thick brown substance covering me from head to toe. Mud...of all things it just had to be Mud!

"AKIO!!!!!!" I screeched at the top of my lungs. Laughing could be heard from inside. I angrily stomped into the kitchen only to slip on mud and fall on my face.

"You ok (F/N)?" A voice called out. I looked up and noticed four people sitting at the table, another on the floor laughing hysterically.

"Fubuki-San, Endou-San, Gouenji-San, Kazemaru-San....." I murmured. I looked down and pushed myself off the floor. My cheeks burned with embarrassment, "hai...I'm fine" a tear rolled down my check but I quickly turned and fled up the stairs to the bathroom locking myself in there for awhile.

~Nobody's POV~

"Fudou...that was kinda harsh wasn't it." Sakuma asked the said man, who merely shrugged.

"Ah she'll try to get even later"

"She's been up there awhile. I'm gonna go check on her if that's ok" Fubuki stood up and headed for the stairs.

Fudou didn't bother to turn around, "fine whatever. Touch her though and I'll skin you alive."

He nodded fearfully and quickly made his way up the stairs, "(F/N)? You ok?" Fubuki knocked on the bathroom door. You looked up from the what you were doing and replied.

"U-uh ya. You can come in its safe." Slowly the door opened and Fubuki popped his head in.

"Just wanted to check on you" he smiled.

"Can you help me with something?"

"Sure" he nodded nervously.

~another time skip~

"It squirted every where Fubuki-San" your voice could be heard from the kitchen. Fudou and the others stopped talking and listened carefully.

"Well ya that's going to happen" Fubuki's voice was also heard.

"It's so white, and there's a lot of it" your voice was heard again. Fudou sprang up from his seat and was up the stairs in recored time. Cursing Fubuki and swearing his early death.

"FUBUKI SHIROU IF YOU TOUCH MY SISTER YOUR DYING AN EARLY DEATH!!" Fudou roared. You laughed as you ran down the stairs, Fubuki close behind.

You shouted/laughed at your older brother, "Onii-San calm down its just lotion!!"

The others laughed as Fudou chased the both of you around the house. Ah just another day in the life...


This is just something random I though up as I was putting lotion on. I went to go close the bottle and it squirted everywhere (sounds wrong I know). I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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