New kid

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John pov
Ugg! I really don't wanna wake up today! I'm starting at a new school, with new people and in a new fucking State! Some characters in movies always say some shitty thing like ''new school, new me'' but all I want to do is go back to my old crappy school where all of my friends are going to be in like 1 hour or something. Why is this happening to me? At least, when me and my aunt Jessica moved from South Carolina to New York, I got away from my father for good this time. She found out what he was doing to me. He had been doing them since I was 8 years old and we went to court. Me and Auntie Jess won, got a restraining order against him, and moved to New York so that when he gets out of jail he wouldn't find us right away.

Even if I was sad to leave all my friends and my now middle school ex-girlfriend behind, it is what is best for me and my Aunt's safety. I'm now living with her in a big ass apartment in the middle of the island of Manhattan. I don't know how she got this apartment for rich people, but I'm grateful because it's huge as fuck. I am going to be a freshman at this high school called Washington High. I suppose it's the principal's name and the name of the founder of this school. My aunt told me last week that it was actually a school that got passed down generation by generation, and my new principal was the 5th of his family to be principal. 

I got off my bed and changed really fast in a grey hoodie and grey sweat pants, like usual. I then went into the not-so-small kitchen where Auntie Jess was making some bacon and eggs. She was always like a mother to me, at least since my mother died of cancer when I was 7. A year after that, my dad started getting drunker and drunker and drunker and drunker and... you get the point.  That was also the year he first started to hit me. I decided to set up the table next to the counter so that we could eat there instead of on the counter. Jess and I then started talking.

"Morning Johnny!" she said placing the bacon and eggs on two plates with a big smile on her face. I don't know how she does it, but she's always smiling. I grab some orange juice from the fridge and two cups. "Jess do you want orange juice or water?" I asked her. She chose water like usual. I fill one cup with water and the other one with orange juice. I place the first one next to Jess's plate and take a sip of my cup which is filled to the brim with orange juice.

After eating and talking with her, I placed my plate, utensils, and cup in the sink so that my favorite aunt wouldn't have to do too much work and went to the bathroom to style my hair and all that stuff. My hair is always a pain in the ass to work with. I'm at least lucky that I don't have pimples anymore. I'm happy I'm not in my pimple phase anymore.

When I was finished, I went into Aunty Jess's car so she could drive me there, because I'm only 14 and can't legally drive yet. After arriving at my new high school, I got assigned a homeroom, I got my classes and there is some sophmore called Thomas Jefferson was going to give me tour of the school after homeroom too. f-492. That's my homeroom class number. This should be fun. I got to my homeroom after a while of searching and enterted the classroom. I was greeted by a dude that was a bit shorter than me. He had his dark brown hair put in a small ponytail and he had some brown eyes.He just jumped infront od me when I entered the class and then he started to speak. "Oh! You must be the new kid in town people have been talking about. My name is Alexander Hamilton and there are a million things I haven't done, but just you wait just you-"

Then he was cut off by a girl with medium-long-length brown curly hair. Her eyes were the most beautiful shade of brown I have seen. I could stare at her eyes for hours and not get bored. Her yellow crop-top with a butterfly fitted really well with the black ripped jeans she wore. She has a good fashion sense. She came from the same dirrection of Alexander and seemed to try to pull him twoards the place they were previously at. She looked at me and then spoke too.

"Alex stop speaking so much. You're gonna scare everybody away that you meet. You've already scared the girl that came in the class 5 minutes ago and she looked very nice. I swear to god Alex if you just ruined a potetial friendship that makes you my only friends this year I'm going to kill you. What was her name again? Marilou? Mar-Ma-Mm something. It started whit an M right. WAIT! Don't tell me." The girl thought for a while before jumping up and saying kinda loudly the other girl's name "Maria! Her name is Maria!" She said with a big smile on her face. I don't think she really had taken a good look at me because when she lifted her head in my direction and stared at me for a bit.

"Hi the name's Peggy, Peggy Schuyler," She said after getting a good look at me.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Peggy my name is John, John Laurens," I replied calmly.

"And my name is Alexander Hamilton and just you wait j-" Alexander started saying in an idiotic tone when he got cut off by Peggy putting her hand on his mouth and yelling.

"I SWEAR TO GOD HAMILTON IF YOU KEEP SAYING 'JUST YOU WAIT' AFTER YOUR NAME, IMMA TAKE MY ELASTIC AND SLINGSHOT IT IN YOUR EYEBALLS!!" Peggy said while taking her elastic off of her wrist to make a slingshot out of it aiming for Alexander's eyes.

Now, this is going to be a fun year.

Hi guys. So it's been a while since I have had an inspiration. I started this chapter maybe in May 2021 and I just realized that it existed 30 minutes ago. I have been trying my hardest to get some sort of idea for my Hunger Games book, but with all my school work and evaluations coming and I have a gymnastic show in 2 weeks, I might not post anything for a while like before. I have also a Spider-Man x Oc that I started in my math class a long time ago as well as a Bucky x Oc that I'm working on so I might update my stories one at a time. Ps.. I made some changes to the whole plot because I didn't really like it and I'm not really going to talk about the abuse John had with his father because I don't really feel comfortable with that.

Till we meet again.


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