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"Miss y/n is time to wake up, your training in the survey corps is at 8:00 AM" A Military police girl imform you, I shot up straight made the girl flinch a little by the suprise " umm.. Yes i'm up are my uniform is ready?" I asked getting inside the bathroom entrance  fixing my hair after showering a few minutes


I took my uniform and wear it careful, that because i'am. Then someone knock on the door, the girl or should i say my cadet went to the door and open it a little speaking to the person outside  "who is it hitch?" i asked curious. she turn her head to me and say "It's you're brother miss, he want to speak to you" I nodded my head agreeing after fixing my survey jacket i told her to let him in since i'm done changing my clothes.

Hitch opened widely the door for my brother to come in. He thanked hitch then told her to wait outside the room, she bowed both of us and walked ou leaving us alone the room

My brother Akio close the door behind him and went forward " you're really serious about this survey corp thing?" he look at me head to toe.

I shrug both my shoulders turning my head to him " I want to protect the kingdom in the future onii-chan, and what the world outside in this shitty walls " I replied

Akio heavily sighed knowing that kind of word can't stop me from doing what i want, The both of us head outside the room and went to our dad's throne where he always sit and order people what to do.

Y/n l/n daughter of the wall sina king and have an older brother Akio his 2 years older than me which is fine. Our mother died due the sick she got in , father is a single man and he don't want to marry another village woman because he still love mother , kinda romantic i know. Inside the wall sina,rose and maria don't know that we're exist the 'children of the king'. They only know that mother died and the king is still ruling the walls. I and akio is fine by that , we don't want to get attention from people to obey us and order them to do is not our thing to do, not until we are king or queen.

Once we reach the throne room i saw dad was talking to one of the commander within the corps and i think is commander pixis from garrison. Both of them heard our footsteps as commander pixis widen his eyes

"Your majesty...is this your-" pixis words were cut off by the king

"yes pixis they are, the one i've been telling you the past weeks" Father laugh at his friend reaction. Father and pixis been good friends since they began training when they we're younger that's the only thing dad told us. sometimes he doesn't act like a king since his personality is far different than the actual arrogant ambitious king dacades ago. The people adore my dad more than the older kings before.

Pixis shoke his head "my oh my , they just like yachi your mom, they got her eyes except for the hair which it came from you f/n" pixis complement pointing our dark brownnie hair color
Akio chuckled and i roll my eyes

"so you y/n are joining the survey corps?" He asked as he walked towards me lifting up my jacket a bit.
I smiled and nodded at him " yes indeed sir, i already accepted in the survey corps after training a few  months" then father pick to the side of pixis watching us talking "you mean special training inside the castle with you're 3DM thing" He yelled from the back

Pixis and akio laughed at the king statement as i intense glare at him. Then f/n stood up from his throne motionly walk to us " y/n i forgot to tell you that your brother here is also joining the survey corps too" My eyes gone wide open after hearing the word 'joining' , i turn my gaze to akio who is smiling widely at me

' the fu*k? I thought he doesn't like fighting big titans!'

"your serious akiro? I mean your going to rule the world soon and you want to join the survey corps?" i half-yelled at him , he ruffle my brown hair messing it up while chuckling

"dad said its okay for me to go with you he also bet that who ever married first and save humanity is going to be the king/queen. Right?" akio turn to father as father hummed while nodding his head, i sighed defeated dad always went on a bet and ended up winning the bet he made.

"i also bet your father that too" i stare at commander pixis disbelieve, this old mans are crazy sometimes. I guess i don't have a choice

"finee..but let's not make an obvious scene that we're the king's son and daughter or else they will convince dad to not join us for our future kingdom soon to be rule by us" i warned akio as he nodded agreeing with me

Pixis cadet walk inside the room and told him that the commander of military police was looking for him he said that is emergency. He told his cadet to prepare his horse as she obey the commander's order and head out first.

"We will see each other y/n and akio , you both better survive" He wave a small bye to us and head out the room leaving us all three

"Now two of you better be careful fighting all the titans and save humanity, promise me that" Dad grip on our shoulder as his crystal blue eyes staring deepily ours. We gave him a small smile and hug him tight.

" We will father, don't worry"

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