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All-day I tried to avoid Bruce ... I mean Mr. Rheims. I know it might seem like a childish thing to do, but I don't know what else to do!

I wonder what he thinks of me now after I ran away so hurriedly when he tried to help me this morning.

Ugh, why do I even care?

I don't have time for this!

I only had one love in my life and I already lost it. My heart has no room or time for someone new.

Wait a minute, why am I taking this like it's a big deal or something? I just felt a little spark when we touched for goodness sake! And what? Instantly, I guess it meant something more. But what is wrong with me?

So to distract me and of course to get my job done, I'm on the ladder so I can put the last book I have on the top of the shelf.

"Come on, come on, just a little further," I mumble at the book, stretching my arm as far as I can to put it in its place.

"Miss Gre..."

"AHH !!!" I'm screaming like crazy when someone appears out of nowhere.

As I jump in place it makes me lose my balance on the ladder and I feel myself fall to the ground. I waited for the impact to come, but instead, I felt two strong arms catch up to me in time.

When I come to my senses, I find that my saviour is no other than my boss Bruce... Mr. Rheims, I mean. He has one arm around my back and the other under my knees while my arm is around his neck.

My stupid heart was beating faster and faster. I'm sure it's because of my fall and not because I'm in his arms. Yeah, let's go with that!

Every fibre in my body can feel little sparks while I'm still in his arms. With that realization, I moved to get out of his arms and luckily he let me go without holding me back.

"Miss Green are you all right?" I can hear the concern in his voice whilst he speaks to me.

"Yes thank you, I'm fine," I responded while I readjust my pants and my blouse.

Thank goodness I didn't wear a skirt today! I think in the back of my head.

"Are you sure? I can always call Miss Clark to come and have a look on you." He says while he put the ladder in its place.

"No that won't be necessary. I'm sure the nurse of the school has better things to do. I don't seem to have any scratch on me, thanks to you."

It's true if he hadn't caught me in time, I probably would have broken something.

He puts his large hand on the side of my face. "As long as you're okay that's all that matters to me." I feel my cheeks burn a little. I hope he didn't see it.

The way he's looking at you right now, I doubt it!

Ugh, why me?

His warm hand is so comforting against my skin. But what am I doing? I almost leaned my head on his hand.

Get a grip already! I snap at myself.

When I realize what I almost did, I pull away from his touch.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" He says rapidly while he puts both of his hands in the air as if he surrenders himself. "I'm sorry Miss Green, I don't know what came over me." He justifies himself.

"Uhmm, you came to see me for a reason, Mr. Rheims? What can I do for you?" While I'm talking I try to sound as normal as possible so he doesn't hear my distress in my voice.

He clears his throat before he speaks. "Yes, it's about this morning and the way you left. I wanted to make sure you were alright. You seemed so pale."

Why does it persist in my well-being? Is he like that with all his employees? Again, I'm sure I'm exaggerating and trying to read something that isn't even there in the first place.

"Mr. Rheims it's so nice of you to check up on me, I can assure you that I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me."

I hope I sound convincing because let's face it, the flashback I had earlier about Scott, disturbed me. I got lost in my work to forget about it. Well, this and M. Rheims.

He didn't say anything else as Mr. Rheims put his hand in his pocket to retract his wallet. He then grabs a card and begins to write something on it before he gives it time.

Reading it, I can't hide the shocking expression on my face. Is this what I think it is?

"It's my private phone number. If you ever need anything, just call me and I'll answer. Have a good day Miss Green." It's the last thing he says to me before he leaves me alone in the library.

Did that just happen?

I look at the card in my hand, then at the door where M. Reims has just left and then at the card again.

Without even realizing it, I go to my office and put the card with Bruce's number in my purse. I'm sure in time I forget that it is even there.

I snap out of wherever my mind just went for when I hear the buzz on the main door in my office.

I come out of my office and a student is walking to the counter to store the books she has borrowed.

I wonder what happened to her? When I see her limp a little as she walks. I go behind the counter while I think of this.

"Do you need something else, Miss Parker?" I ask her as I scan the book she brought.

When I look at her I see the pain in her eyes. Her too? I wonder when Miss Summer the new substitute teacher Mr. Reims has hired, comes to mind.

Well, it seems that I have an eye now to see when someone is in pain.

"I was wondering if I could borrow other books?" She asks me.

"Of course. Just don't forget you can borrow only three books at a time and I will need your school card so that I can register them on your account." I remind her.

"Thank you." She tells me as she walks to one of the computers to look at the inventory to see what she can borrow.

What would have happened if she came a little earlier. She would have seen me with Mr. Rheims for sure. Thankfully nothing happened between us.

Note to myself, I have to be more careful next time.

For goodness sake, stop with the nonsense already! I growl at myself.

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