55 - Common Room

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Drafting a letter to his mother that would accompany the wedding invitation for the pair, Draco was nearly shaking while writing it and his ink kept splattering all over the page. At this point, it might be better for him to have Hermione write it or to use a Quick-Quotes quill because his mother would surely scold him for sending her such a messy letter.

So far he had,


After talking with my fiancée and a lot of thinking, I have decided to allow you to attend our wedding. Please understand that this decision was not taken lightly, and it took me quite a while to decide.

Also, know that I reserve the right to remove you from our lives at any point in the future. If you put one toe out of line, I will be sure to all but Obliviate you from my mind and life.

I am allowing you to be a part of our lives. We can take that right away very quickly. Tread carefully.

We will see you soon.


Once finishing the letter, he folds it and sticks it in an envelope, alongside their wedding invitation.

Once sealing the letter, he gives it to Hermes to send before it got too late in the evening.

Sighing, he fell backward onto the bed, resting his arm over his eyes to avoid the light.

He didn't regret his decision; it was just terrifying thinking about letting his mother back into their lives. His fiancée may have wanted him to let her back into their lives, but it still scared him—more than he cared to admit. Draco wasn't necessarily content with his decision, but he was trying to make his way there. It's a scary thing to let someone so destructive back into your life.

After lying down for nearly half an hour, Hermione walked in to see Draco looking like he had an existential crisis.

"How'd it go?" She asks carefully, moving to sit next to him on the bed

Moving his arm to look at her, Draco sighs before telling her that he was a bit freaked out over sending the letter.

"Do you want to talk about it? I know how you are. You keep everything bottled up, and then you nearly explode. Talk to me about it. How do you feel about this? How do you feel about the wedding? What about school? I feel like we haven't talked about things in a while, and I want you to rant to me. Let it all out, babe." Hermione says, brushing Draco's platinum hair with her fingers

Closing his eyes and relaxing, Draco began letting out everything he was holding in. He was so used to not having anyone to talk to that he forgot he could tell Hermione anything.

He told her everything he felt while writing that letter to his mother, things he hadn't realized he was feeling even in the moment.

Fear, because he was terrified this would backfire on both him and his future wife.

Anxiety, because what if this turned out to be one of the worst decisions he's ever made.

Anger, because he shouldn't have to make this decision in the first place.

Sadness, because this was such a sad situation.

All these wrapped up into one made him so stressed about the next few months of their lives together.

He hated that they were put into this situation. He hated that his mother - though she said she was placed under the Imperius curse - did that to them. He hated that they were all being forced into marriages. He hated that he never had a good, normal year at Hogwarts. Draco hated a lot of things, and they were about to boil over.

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