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You know that feeling when your heart is racing, your palms are sweating,

You are shaky, like a butterfly

Coming out of its coccoon anew

With trembling wings and gaping steps.

Now think, just for a second

Of the grit running across the skin of your hand

Proof of labor and toil

And strength.

Think of the particles making up your palm

Combining with the dirt

And the sweat,

Keeping one outside

While ejecting one from the inside.

Now ponder of the sweat and dirt,

Combining a mixture and making a whole

Which is a part of you

 That you hold dear

Even as your palms sweat,

And the grit invades your sores,

As your wounds open and fester.

Question the dirt, which will always be dirty.

The sweat, which will always serve only you,


To be let out into the crisp air.

And your palm,

Your fate resting in its crevices,

Its warmth rubbing against skin and all else,

Feeling, loving, hoping,

Cherishing the embrace of two.

Question your palm especially,

For not only can it be the hand of violence-

Slaughtering, killing, pillaging,

It can also be the hand of kindness-

Justice, love,  and warmth.

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