My Tutor, My Bestfriend

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Shikamaru's POV

"Please go out with me!"

"Please accept my feelings!"

"Would you like to grab a bite... And... Hang out?"

"Would you be my girlfriend?"

Everyday, I hear these words everywhere. Either in the hallway, the gymnasium, the corner of the school, at the room, even in the streets.

It's currently February right now. You know what they say, 'it's the month of love' or something like that. People start to get crazy at their lovelives, confessing, giving chocolates, and stupid nonsense like that.

Honestly, what's with this so called 'love'


"Why you lookin' so bothered lazy-ass?"
My bestfriend asked me.

"Well, it's just that people get so worked up in February. Well I understand that Valentines is nearing, but what's so fun about this so called 'love'?"

"Idiot, love is fun. Love gives you hapiness, teaches you acceptance, trust, allows you to enjoy the feeling of looking out for someone, caring for someone, and many stuff like that." My bestfriend said while daydreaming.

I'm Nara Shikamaru. I'm 18 years old and is currently curious about this so called 'love'.

The person I'm with right now is my bestfriend, my buddy, the person that stayed with me since the beggining, the person who listened to my dumb crap and troubles.


"Well, I understand that you know everything about love, considering all your past relationships and bastard boyfriends you had, it's just, how can you say that your 'in love'?" I asked curiously.

My bestfriend Temari is a beauty. No wonder people fell for her just by looking at her face. I'm actually proud that my bestfriend is a beauty, totally someone to brag about.

"Wow! The genius Nara Shikamaru is dumbfounded about love! What a surprise!" She said while munching on her burger and sipping her coke.

"Oh, come on.... I just don't understand people confessing, well, I myself, gets confessions from random girls from the school. What bothers me is that, what do they see or feel from me that they consider it love? They don't even know my personality or the Nara Shikamaru on the inside. Do they only base on apperances of people or something?"

"I thought you were genius enough to figure those out?"

"Just answer the damn questー" She raised her hand and stopped me. Temari sighed and stopped eating, looking disappointed in me.

"Alright. Most people do base their love interest from apperances. But, when they start to go out or hang out together, that's the time they would get to know each other. You see, if you want to date someone, it's not required that you must know him or her personality or something. The main reason for dating, is that you get to know each other more before deciding to whether settle down with that person or end your relationship if it's not working out for you."

"You really know your thing huh?"

"Of course, duh..." She said back, rolling her eyes.

"Well, considering your past relationships, they didn't really work out huh?"

"That's true, they didn't work out so we ended the relationship. That's the purpose of dating. As I said earlier, you get to know each other and determine if the relationship works for both parties."

My Love Tutor || ShikaTema OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now