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Spark didn't expect being the Empress to feel as empty as it did. It had taken her eighteen years to finally achieve her goal, now she had all the power in the world and she still felt empty. How boring. She propped her head on her loosely clenched fist, crossing her legs lazily. "Bring in the prisoner," she ordered one of her guards. The guard gulped and quivered before her, "Yes, your Imperial Majesty." He ran off like a mouse with its tail between its legs. Spark felt some amusement at his fear of her, leaving her satisfied.

A few minutes later, Spark's former prisoner was lead into the throne room with her hands tied behind her back. One of the guards leading her shoved her roughly to the ground in front of the steps leading up to Spark's decadent throne. She coughed, her dust-streaked face twisting into a glare. Spark frowned, her cat-like green eyes narrowing. She stood from her seat and walked down the steps, her platform boots clinking against the polished marble, becoming aware of everyone around her collectively holding their breaths. A shadow cast on the girl's face as Spark leaned down, becoming eye-level with her former pupil. "Is that how you act in front of the person who raised you, Collette?" A cold, thin smile formed on her lips with the words.

Collette looked up with a defiant snarl, "I will stop you, and if not me, someone else!" She blew her dirty, blonde hair out of her face, on account of her hands being tied behind her back. Amusing. The Empress should have called for the prisoner earlier. Spark straightened her back, letting out a laugh, "What is there to stop? All of your attempts have failed, I am already Empress of Akkenstan." Collette bit her lip, her eyes betraying her emotions.

"Really, Collette, you truly are a disappointment," Spark continued, circling around her former pupil. "You were trained by the best, me, Edward, Elliot. I would've thought you'd give us more of a struggle. You're so weak." She found herself enjoying scorning Collette, so she continued. "Did you truly think my son would ever betray me for you? You've gotten so soft." Jackpot. Now, this is fun. Collette looked truly hurt. Spark was right again. She knew here former pupil so well. Then, a realisation hit her and Spark's expression contorted into glee.

"Oh, Collette~!" She leaned down and whispered into Collette's ear, "You didn't actually love my son, did you?" Collette's brown eyes shrunk in horror, her eyes widening. "Shut up, you don't know anything!" She shouted, heaving in anger. Spark cackled in laughter, getting up and dancing around the room. "Oh, this is too good! I have to thank you, Collette, my day was so boring until I called for you! You're too much fun." It only made sense. Collette and Daichi had trained every day together for six years and were incredibly close. Spark chuckled inwardly, thinking of the betrayal Collette must've felt after discovering Daichi was not who he pretended to be.

"Is this all a game to you?!" Collette screamed, enraged, "You've killed thousands of innocent people and endangered the lives of thousands more! Do you really even need to be the Empress?!" Spark narrowed her eyes, stepping back. Collette had said something she shouldn't have said. She turned, her back facing Collette.

"A long time ago," she started, her eyes distant with memories flashing before them, there was a person I loved enough that I would burn the world to the ground for her. To keep things short, I made a promise that I'd become the Empress for her, no matter what it took. Besides, you know I hate breaking the promises I make." Spark looked behind her, sucking in a pained breath. Her distant gaze turned cold and focused after landing on Collette, "So here we are."

"So, you'd kill thousands, no, millions of people for one person?" Collette prompted. Spark turned her body to face Collette, " In a heartbeat."

"You're awful, I don't think she would have wanted this."

Something snapped inside Spark.

"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HER!" She roared, her firsts sending a streak of flames towards Collette. Collette's well-trained instincts reacted instantly. Allowing her to leap out of the way, leaving a melted streak of marble and only a small burn on Collette's left shoulder. Spark huffed angrily. She had to restrain herself from burning Collette till she was nothing but ash while she was still useful.

She clenched her fist, feeling fire ooze from her fingertips, dripping onto the marble tiles with a sizzling hiss. "Take the prisoner back where she belongs," Spark growled. The two guards who had brought Collette did so in a hurry, eager to get out of Spark's terrifying presence. Spark chewed her lip as she walked up the steps to her throne, almost collapsing on it. She pressed the palm of her hand to her forehead, hissing out a sigh. Eighteen years and her feelings were still getting the better of her. Eighteen years and she was still weak.

She could still feel the contradictory heat of the ice wielder's lips against hers. The woman whom Spark had intended to make hers was still her greatest weakness. Being Empress was no fun anymore.

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