Never Too Late (A Puck and Finn Fanfic)

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"C'mon, Bethy Boo." Puck said as he took his daughter's hand and walked towards the school. Today was a special day for Beth, it was her first day of second grade.

"Daddy, I'm scared..." Beth hid behind Puck's legs.

Puck knelt beside her, "It's okay, Beth. Daddy will be back in a few hours to pick you up, I promise."

Beth hugged Puck, "Okay, daddy. I love you."

He hugged his seven-year-old back, "I love you too, sweetheart." Puck released her and stood up. After a wave goodbye, Puck headed back to his truck. As soon as he got into his truck, he received a phone call, it was Finn. Puck hasn't talked to Finn in ages, so he was hesitant on answering.


"Hey man, it's Finn!"

"Hey! What's up?"

Puck started his truck, "Nothing really, just dropped Beth off at school."

"That's cool. Want to hangout? I'm bored as hell."

Puck's eyes widened, "Uhm, yeah sure."

After they hung up, Puck drove to Lima Bean to meet Finn. He got out and looked for him.

Finn walked over, "Hey Puckerman."

Puck looked up, "Hey Hudson. Stop getting so damn tall."

Finn chuckled, "Stop getting so damn short." It's been months since Puck and Finn last saw each other. Finn was now taller, thinner, stronger, and more handsomer. Yes, Puck has noticed and he cannot stop looking at him.

Finn smiled, "Yes?"

"Huh?" Puck snapped back to reality and blushed slightly from embarrassment, "I'm sorry."

Finn smiled again, "No worries, it's all good. Wanna get some coffee and catch up?"

"Yeah, sounds great."

Finn opened the door for Puck, Puck smiled and walked inside. They got their coffees and sat at an empty table.

Finn sipped his coffee, "So what's new? How's things with Quick?"

"Uhm..." Puck rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "She's dating Joe and... I'm gay."

"Oh, that's nice." Finn had an accepting smile, "How's Beth?"

"She's great, she's in second grade already."

"Already? Wow! Does Quinn come see her?"

"Uhm, no. She's not allowed."

"Why not?"

"Apparently her work and relationship is more important than her own damn kid." Puck was obviously angered by this.

"Oh wow, I'm really sorry."

Puck calmed down, "It's fine. Beth doesn't care, she says that she's happy just to have a daddy."

"That's absolutely adorable."

Finn got up and threw him and Puck's empty coffee cups away. Puck checked his phone.

"It's only 11:45am, wanna go back to my place?" Puck offered.

"Yeah!" Finn said excitedly.

He and Finn got into his truck and drive to his apartment. Puck parallel parked and they got out.

"Sorry that my apartment isn't the greatest and that it has princess stuff everywhere... Beth obviously lives here." Puck smiled nervously.

"I don't mind, I think it's sweet that you're a single dad."

"Oh... Thanks." Puck blushed more and lead him inside.

Finn sat on the couch and Puck sat next to him, "I'm really sorry about the mess."

"Stop being sorry, I don't care about it. You're my best friend."


"Yeah, of course." Finn smiled.

A few hours passed as Finn and Puck talked. Puck finally checked the time again.

"Shit, I'm late! She's gunna kill me! I'll be back soon, I promise." Puck sprinted off the couch and to the truck. He was late on picking Beth up.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2012 ⏰

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