Chapter 6

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Hejin's POV:
My two brothers has already left. And I'm alone here doing nothing but watching movies on neflix with some popcorn. It's so boring~
Wait. What if I ask my friends to do a sleepover at my house tonight?
Yes,that's it.
I'll call Nayeon unnie first for telling about it to Jeongyeon unnie,Momo unnie,Sana,Jihyo,and Mina.

(A/n: Hejin. Nayeon.)

"YAH! What's wrong with you? Can you don't yelled at me like that?"
"Ups,sorry...hehe. Btw, can you tell Jeongyeon unnie, Momo unnie, Sana, Jihyo and Mina to do a sleepover at my house?"
"So you told me to tell them but you didn't tell me? So, I didn't come there? Just them?"
"Aishh of course you also come here, unnie -_- Why do you think I called you if you didn't come here?"
"Oh yes, you are right. Ahaha Sorry. Okay, I'll tell them. What time are we there?"

"7pm. And bring some alcohol too because I'm too lazy for buy it.
Let's party tonight~~"
"YAH! Did you forget that Dahyun, Chaeyong and Tzuyu are still underage?"
"Underage!? Oh come on unnie, they're legal and already 21 years old.
So, they can drink alcoholic."
"Oh yes. I'm forget. Ahaha sorry again."
"It's okay, that means you're old and soon to be grandma..
"Tut..tut..unnie!? Hello...tut...tut..I can't hear you...I'll hang up..bye..."

I turned off the call because when she gets angry she looks really scary. But, Jihyo's anger is even worse than her.

Now, I just have to call Dahyun to tell Chaeyoung and Tzuyu to come here.


Time flies without i know it and it is already 5pm. Okay, I'll go out to buy some snacks because there's still time.
I went to the supermarket near my house. Arriving at the supermarket, I grabbed some chips, vegetables, and some other snacks. After that I went to the cashier to pay it.

After paying, I went out and went home. But,when I on the way to go home, I heard a voice someone needed help?
I looked for the source of the sound and the sound was in an alley just a few blocks from my house.
And there I saw a girl who was surrounded by 3 mens? I saw their movements first before..

???'s POV:
Oh god, I didn't know if I would meet this situation.
"Come on baby girl, you look so cute and sexy with that outfit. Can i touch your body?"
He came to me and tried to touch me.
"NO! YOU JERK! Get away from me!"
One of them slowly come to me again.
"Ooo~ our babygirl is mad,huh?
I like it. Isn't that cute,guys?"

He saw his two friends and they began to slowly approach me.
"Don't be afraid babygirl...Let give us to feel your sexy a good girl for daddy, okay?"
He smirks and sticks me to the wall and brings my hand over my hea
"No, please... don't do this to me..HELP!!"

I was crying and didn't know what to do. When one of them is about to kiss me, suddenly...a girl kicks one of them on the leg,punch him in the stomach and kick her face for make the man falling.

"You bastard! And you two! Leave the girl alone if you don't want to be like your friend over there."
She pointed at the man she kicked in the leg earlier that he couldn't walk. I walk away little from there.

"YOU! Don't try to mess with us!",
One of them attacked the girl with a punch but the girl was able to blocked it and attacked him back by kicking him in the stomach with her knee, and beating him in the face. Not long after, another man was carrying a pipe to hit the girl from behind.

Luckily the girl realized and tried to kick the guy's leg with her leg. Finally, the three men gave up and chose to leave.

Hejin's POV:
Uhm. My fighting skills aren't bad either.
I went to the girl, and I felt, why is she a little familiar to me? Her hair, the way she speaks,and her posture, is like I've seen her. But where? And when?

"Hey Miss, are you okay?"
"Y-yes,I'm okay. T-thank you for help me from that mens."

Weird. Why she doesn't look at me?
This is the first time anyone hasn't seen me when I speak.

"I'm sorry, Miss but why you not looking at me? I'm not to be rude to you, it's just You know, it's a little harsh in my opinion when someone asks you but you look away like this."
"I-i'm Sorry. Please forgive me."
She still looks the other way? I lifted her chin to see her face and it turned out she was...

"R-Rose? W-why are you here in Seoul? A-and why are you alone?"
"I-i run away from Australia. M-my husband treat me l-like a shit. H-he always abused me, and I-i don't know what to do. I-if i do something just one move, he'll kill me. He's married with me just for my body,Hejin-ah..

She's cry hard with sobbing and i quickly hug her. Her face is on my chest now,and she's grip my shirt because of cry. I don't mind of my shirt was wet, her tears is precious to me.

"I'll protect you no matter what happen,Rose. You're still my 'bestfriend'."

"You're save now. Shh don't cry, please..i can't see you like this.
I want to see your smile"
I cleared my troat first before continued my words.

"L-like when we are still dating. And i want to see your happiness again because...we are bestfriend now. And,bestfriend protect each other, right? So please, calmdown now. I'll by your side."

After I comfort her for a while, she's calmdown and she's look at me,
I look down to see her too,
"Thank you for all what you do to me."
"It's okay. Now, want you to come to my house? Because, I don't let something bad happen to you like before. And I don't want you to be alone in here. So, wanna come?"

"No- wait. I mean, i don't mind as long as I'm with you."
She's finally showing her smile eventhough a little.
"Tsk, you're so funny. Come on."

I walk with her,and I put my one hand on her shoulders, while she lean her head on my shoulder.
"I love you and thank you, Hejin-ah."
"Uhm, I love you too."

'I hope I can hear that words from Sana too'

To be continued...

Nayeon (24th)
Jeongyeon (24th)
Momo (23th)
Hejin (23th)
Sana (23th)
Jihyo (22th)
Mina (22th)
Dahyun (21th)
Chaeyong (21th)
Tzuyu (20th)

* In this story, I put Twice members into the same class with Hejin.
Thank you~
Enjoy for read, guys ❤️

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