HELL IS A TEENAGE GIRL ━━━━━ SCREAM a letter to billy loomis
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❛ the original sacrifice. ❜
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I N W H I C H, cherry valentine is a dead girl walking. the universe grants her unspoken wish, to be loved by him— forever.
❛ will you still think i'm pretty when i come back to bite? ❜
━━━━━━ CHERRY VALENTINE WAS BORN A SAINT. the form of heaven had blessed the town of Woodsboro through the embodiment of a teenage girl. From her first steps to her first cheer rally, Cherry was destined to become nothing less than an angel. The Valentine bloodline had reigned over the town as higher-ups for centuries, some Sheriffs, others well-paid Lawyers, and so forth. It appeared Cherry was the miracle that the family were handed for the greatness they had gifted their birthplace. From there, the child blessed the ground she wondered on, not an ounce of ill-luck left behind. Her energies scattered around the town, the kindness that bounced from her heart consumed the people that greeted her. Cherry Valentine was an angel.
SEE, EVIL IS NOT BORN. IT'S MADE. Teenage girls were often evil, high school evil. Cherry had never fallen to the lowness of immortal popularity, the averaged female that believed spitefulness was the way to win over the majoring population of a High School. The soul inside her, the one believed to be manufactured by the heavens themselves. Perhaps High School evil was something Cherry would have preferred. Cherry Valentine was everything the subjects of Woodsboro adored until the killings started, then she became a little loose around the edges. As if her page had been read a thousands times before, tearing at the corners due to the numerous usage. Cherry Valentine was coming undone like the wrapper she unrolled from her heart-shaped sucker.