Very Gay

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"Hey moron, you're late."

"Whatever Gary, let's just go." Jimmy said, wiping his palms on his pants. Gary snickered at him.

Jimmy walked up to the admission ticket boot, the carnival was in town once again, he could hear the sound of the wild rides and smell cotton candy and popcorn.

"One dollar." The cashier, a woman with a blond ponytail wearing a pink shirt, looked at him. She looked extremely bored as she chewed on her gum.
Taking the ticket he entered the carnival with Gary.

"Remind me why am I doing this again?" The auburn haired boy asked. Gary smirked walking as he spoke. "Because we've got nothing else to do and because it's fun to watch all these idiots walking around with their dates playing boring games just so they can buy presents that will ultimately not help them get to second base, now run along Jim, I've got an idea."

"Okay. What is it?" Jimmy followed him until the other boy stopped and turned to him.

"Hold my hand." The brunette said, already reaching for Jimmy's hand.

"What?! Hell no!" He slapped Gary's hand and pushed his arms out getting some distance.

"C'mon Jimmy! I saw you with Trent and Gord and you know, all the other hundreds of boys who live in Bullworth, this is nothing new to you." Gary stepped closer to him as Jimmy stepped backwards.

"So what? Doesn't mean I'm going to hold your hand."

"Oh I see, I am not attractive enough for you. Would you rather have Eunice hold your hand?"

"Actually yeah, and it's not about being attractive. I don't see any reason to do it. You aren't even gay. In fact, I've heard you told everyone that I was the one sexually confused."

"That was weeks ago! I was just playing around! Now hold my hand or I swear to Petey I'll just spread around that you have erectile dysfunction."

"Sheesh, whatever man." Jimmy grabbed Gary's hand in his, he felt an electric current run in his arm. Slightly disgusted with his reaction he turned his head away from Gary.

"Aw, are you blushing?" Gary's infuriating tone made him roll his eyes. "You wish. Now what? this?" He said, pointing to looking to their hands. "Has to do with your plan?"

"Everything, my moronic friend. My plan is to study people's reaction." Jimmy glared at him. "Just for shits and giggles."

"And I should help you with this because....?" The ginger asked skeptically.

"Because" Gary huffed impatiently, "Anyone else but you wouldn't be fun, everyone knows we hate each other. Just imagine the dumb looks on their faces as they see us all lovey-dovey."

Jimmy nodded, still skeptical "Okay. But don't think for a second that I'm enjoying this."

"Marvelous, James dearest, it's going to be fun, mark my words." And with that Gary started pulling his hand, walking to the entrance of the rides.

As they entered Jimmy spotted Lola and Johnny, Gord, Pinky, Zoe and even Trent and Kirby walking around. He blanched when he saw Zoe, his now ex girlfriend walking up to buy some popcorn. They ended up in good terms, it was just that being King of the school ended up being too much responsibility that Zoe didn't want weighed on top of her. Still, he couldn't deny that he ached a little at remembering the good old days with Zoe.

"So, who would you like to see us first Jimmy?" Gary whispered close to his ear, so close in fact that Jimmy almost jumped when he felt the boy's lips touch the shell of his ear.

"Do that again and I'll slit your throat."

"Ooh so threatening." Gary teased, he then looked at the direction the other boy was staring. Smirking devilishly he understood what he had to do. "I see, Zoe it is then. Let's give your ex a show of some skin ship shall we?"

"Hey, Moron."Where stories live. Discover now