It was December 20 my Christmas party at school. My suuuupppeeerrr best friends and I gave gifts to our crushes and the weird thing is our crushes is best friends with each other well I dont find it weird but anyways. When we gave the gifts to them we had a hard time at first but we pulled it off haha. After the Christmas party we went to the mall to ice skate.
This is where the love begins....
My best friend Cherry and I were skating ti'll her crush (close friend) named Ryan came and skated with us. So I was actually waiting for Cherry to make her move but she was just so scared so I gently pushed Ryan towards Cherry and lets say Ryan slipped? And Cherry just hugged him as in HUGGED HIM!! HAHA LOL But Cherry started chasing me. They are just the perfect couple holding hands, hugs, sweet talk. Well the other story was about my crush and I. So Cherry and me was standing in the middle of the rink talking then she just shouts "Hey! It's Justin!" then I turned and looked then skated away and went to the restroom. I don't know why I was scared maybe or mad. After that my friend Marie and I ate at KFC since my best friend or big brother in school was his birthday we went to KCF and celebrated it. I was super shy because Justin was there also when he passed by me he tapped me lol. I didn't really want to eat but my brother John kept sending me text messages saying "pls eat ^^" with cute emotions so I had to eat lol.
An hour later....
I got done eating and I told John, Marie and I are leaving to go ice skate again so I said bye and Happy Birthday. Ryan was with us so he escorted us to the rink. We saw Cherry on her own skating so we put our ice skates on and started to skate again. I really want Cherry and Ryan to be together so I tried to get them together again but Ryan had to leave.
Ryan: Cherry I have to go now.
Cherry: Ok :/
Ryan: Hey, Is it ok if I go?
Cherry: yea, Bye :/
Then they hugged right then and there. It's hard to love someone who you think you'll never have chance with. Well anyways Cherry and Marie left and I was alone with John, Justin and the others, I was very lonely and out of place. I needed someone to walk me home but they all said no. Justin wanted to but his sister said no. So my dad picked me up. I group messaged my friends saying "Crying while walking home... Happy Holidays GM". Justin quickly replied saying " Hey, I'm Sorry =( I'm not allowed" that right there made me cry even worse because he wanted to actually walk me home but I didn't want him to. So I had a very emotional Christmas Break. Happy Holidays everyone! :)