The New Circle

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Birth, life and death. The circle of life as it's called. Where a living being is birthed from their mother and raised by their parents to then have children of their own and create a new circle whilst their own is ending. That is the simplest way to describe life itself. And when one ends, a new one begins.

Inside a small cave right outside the city, little Laxa was born. She was the first and only child of her generations. Her parents, infamous and famous in the region, Raxu and Laxuru were powerful Luxrays, being able to learn abilities that even domesticated luxrays couldn't even manage. Humans tried to domesticate them but...well you can say they were never whole afterwards.
The little Laxa learnt everything as normal: Learnt her first words like maxa and paxa, learnt to walk then run then volt dash. Also learnt How to understand casual conversation, history of the now dead pact and much more.

"Paxa, what's that?" She said while walking over the mountain, seeing the city and all of its people. The market was booming that day.

"They're nothing"

"What do you mean Paxa?"

"Doesn't matter for now, just know that you should never go there under any circumstances? Do you understand?"

"Yes Paxa"

They walked back to the cave and ate wild pidgey that Luxaru caught.

Many years have now passed since the birth of Laxa. She was now a full grown Luxio capable of almost the same as her parents when they were luxios.

"RAXU LAXARU" Screamed out a Luxray which then entered the cave. Laxa was deeply asleep.

"What is it Caxac?"

"The humans!"

"What about them?"


"What!? What do you mean they're gone?"

"Show us!!"

"YES RAXU, Please follow me!"

The three luxrays left the cave in an instance, leaving the still sleeping Laxa alone.

As the three luxrays entered the city, they saw that it was truly empty. There was no human in sight. The shops were empty, the streets were filled with empty flying papers, signs of a storm to come. All the lights were out. For Raxu and Caxacu, seeing the city empty was normal for them. Well, empty at night at least but it was the brightest noon that Raxu has ever seen. But more and more clouds slowly started to settle in.

"Where are they?!"

"I don't understand, the city was full yesterday. Even last night I saw humans walking around but now...nothing"

The overpowering silence was loud enough to be physical and started to move them around. Shaking them around and even knocking them down to their feet. They were scared, frightened and confused the most.

A few minutes passed by before the loud silence was broken by a massive explosion. The explosion woke the three Luxrays from their confused state, bringing them back on their feet.

"What was that?!"

"Look smoke! It's coming from the L.A.B"

"Let's go! It might give us answers"

The two Luxrays followed Raxu over to the laboratory of pokemon research. Where ten year olds would receive their first pet and start their adventures. And where pokeballs research is conducted. Where some circles start.

They arrived at a fight. Or what was left of it.

"Raxu look!"

Caxacu walked over a manectric that was laying down inside the rumbles of a destroyed shop, right in front of laboratory. The laboratory had all of its windows broken and the ground it was built had thousands small cracks. Blood was scattered everywhere.

"What the hell happened" said the shocked, analyzing the Manetric.

"Seems like an earthquake hit"

"But we didn't feel anything"


The lover lucario look over to Caxacu, where he standing infront of the store, where he found the lying Manectric.

"What is it- OH MY"

"What the fuck!"

They both exclaimed their shock as they saw the dead manectric. Its face was crushed thin with all of it's legs bones breaking free and sticking out the skin. The bright yellow fur was painted with dirt and blood. It was motionless and its free brokened bone had cracked patterned all over them. Some cracks were so deep that even the wind would be strong enough to snap that last bonds that hold the broken bones together. The manectric had a snapped collar around its neck. It was domesticated. The collar wasn't any normal collar which concerned the lucarios.

"Is that-"

"That's a nexa stone holder"

"But where is it then?"

Raxu started to look closer to the faceless Manectric. As he couldn't find anything, he followed the blood trail that started from the entrance of the laboratory.

"A battle happened here"

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