Chapter 1

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Marinette's POV:

... 3 kids and a hamster, and a beautiful white house with my husband Adrien. Wait, wait no. Adrien is not my husband. He is just a friend. He'll never look at me that way..but what if he does like me back and we do end up falling in love and living happily ever after with a dog, no wait, a hamster?

"Marinette, Marinette, Marinette?!"

"Girl, wake up, Mrs. Mendeleev is calling your name."

Huh, oh shoot.

"Mari, you really need to stop daydreaming," said Alya.

I looked towards Mrs.Mendeleev and quickly began to realize that the whole class was staring, waiting for my answer but I didn't hear the question she asked me.

"Well Marinette, are you going to answer the question?"

"Sorry, Mrs. Mendeleev but I sort of didn't hear it."

"Not paying attention? Detention for you after class."

I immediately turned red with embarrassment as the entire class began laughing. I felt like the center of attention, and not in a good way. Oh, why did I daydream? I wish I was just paying attention. I glanced at everyone and then saw that the only person not laughing was Adrien, the love of my life. No. Scratch that, my very good friend.

He looked so sincere and felt bad for me and he parted his mouth open as if he was about to say something but just then, the bell rang.

*Bell rings*

"Don't forget to do the questions on page 245 for next week's class. Class is dismissed. Marinette, I have decided to not give you detention but please pay attention next class. I will not be this kind next time."

"Of course Mrs.Mendeleev, I will do my best to pay attention. See you next week!"

I then left the classroom and standing outside the door was Adrien. Shoot, I have been trying to avoid him ever since he got ice cream with Kagami last week. I just can't talk to him while I still like him.

"Hey Marinette, are you okay? Looks like Mrs. Mendeleev let you off this time huh?"

"Oh, um hi Adrien. Yeah she did." What am I supposed to say to him?

"I'm a little bit worried about you. Are you having trouble with science? I can help you out with it."

"Oh um, it's fine. I'll ask Alya for help."

"Mari this is just a random question but do you not like me? Am I not a good enough friend for you? You've been kinda avoiding me lately, do I scare you?"

"No, of course not. I just.."

"Just what?"

"I - uh, It's whatever, umm anyways, I have to go now, my parents need me in the bakery." I started to run as fast as I could to get away from him and straight home.


As Marinette ran away from Adrien, he started to worry about Mari and was wondering what he had done to her. As he drove home, he thought about what he could do to fix their issue.


6 hours later

"Oh Tikki, why did I act like a complete weirdo in front of Adrien? Will I ever be able to get over him?"

"Marinette, I don't know. Your feelings for Adrien are very strong. I think you need some time before they start going away."

I know Tikki is trying to help and give me good advice but this is beginning to make me feel even worse about him.

"But I don't want to feel this way about him. How am I supposed to act normal around him without being a total klutz?" *Sigh*

"Hmm, maybe you should do something artistic so that you can express your feelings in a healthy way? Maybe sketch some new designs?"

"That's not a bad idea, come on Tikki. Let's go up to the rooftop. Maybe I'll find some inspiration in the sky tonight."

I quickly grabbed my sketchpad and a couple of pencils and headed up onto my balcony. It was a little chilly so I decided to put on my favourite light grey cardigan.

Hmm, what should I draw? A coat? No. Maybe a derby hat. No, that just reminds me of Adrien. Ugh.. I have no ideas.

I got up and walked over to the edge of my balcony, looking over at the various buildings in sight. It was a bit foggy out so I couldn't see the streets below but the stars shined bright that night. I then began to think about Adrien. Why can't I get him out of my head? I then heard a sound behind. It was too dark for me to see because of an overcast, caused by a building nearby. However, I could make out a dark figure standing on top of the wall.

"Well, hello Marinette. How are you doing on this purrfect evening?"

"Really Chat? Cat puns?"

"Why does no one like my cat puns? I think that they are hilarious."

"Um... maybe because they suck?"

"Hey! That's just plain rude of you to say."

"Sorry Chat, I'm just a little upset right now. I apologize for taking out my anger on you."

"Oh it's ok. I haven't seen you in a while so I felt like checking up on you."

"Checking up on me or trying to get more croissants?"

"Whaat... Can't a cat do both?" *winks*

"Haha. Yeah, I guess so"

"But really, are you ok Mari?"

"Yeah of course, why wouldn't I be ok?"

*Mari's voice begins to crack as she is trying to hold back her tears*

"I don't know, you seemed off, you know. Are you feline ok?"

*Mari starts to cry and has a mental breakdown*

"No Chat, I'm not doing well and stop it with the cat puns. It's not funny. The love of my life not only doesn't like me, but is in love with someone else."

"Sorry, I'll try to stop. Right, you said last time that you've gotten your heart broken too. Is it the same guy?"


"Marinette, you are an amazing girl. Anyone who doesn't like you is just dumb and doesn't realize how great you are. Might I ask who it is?"

"I don't know if I can tell you that. It's very embarrassing."

"Oh come on, you can tell me. I can keep a secret."

"Ok, the boy I'm in love with is Adrien Agreste, you know the supermodel that goes to my school."


Chat's POV

As Marinette told me the boy she loved, I was in complete shock. How could she be in love with Adrien, with me? 

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